Men iin guys' duds
Wife beater undershirts. (Yes, we hate this appellation but it has become accepted); Pajama tops, if such are still to be found; vests;
The danger is avoiding the "Annie Hall" look, painful to say because I have a crush of 30 years on Diane Keaton.
Got milk?
Bravo and congratulations for all moustaches, my mom's included. I have had them off and on, now off. For some men, they are as essential as ears, nose and mouth. What would Einstein, Hulk Hogan, Clark Gable, Wilford Brimley, James Joyce, (unfortunately for the fraternity, Hitler and...
Is that a collar stay or just happy to see me?
I used to launder, starch and press my own shirts. Finally, and for the past 30 years, my means ( and a spouse who refuses) have allowed me to have them laundered. My laundry kept advising me to stop the heavy and medium starch but I ignored them...
Harris Tweed
It's ironic and fun to imagine so many homeless folks about in Harris Tweed jackets. That does not delay my ebay acquistion for a second, however, having myself bought beautiful and well fitting ones from ebay, in wonderful condition. Democracy in action!
RAF Battledress in Bomber Command sizes
George Petersen at National Capital Historical Sales, Inc. in Virginia can have anything made in real Barthea in any size. Nice quality made in Thailand. Ok, it's not Hong Kong but nice workmanship and linings and buttons. Any rank is available.
Fun to read this thread. We will never get to enjoy the original Gaslight era recipe anyway, so what?
I served some Absinthe late in the evening last spring at my younger daughter's graduation party to any volunteers, already well buzzed on more plebian libations. What fun! Yes, the...
Take me out to the ball game
Does it depend on the occasion? I think they do not look as 'right' on a commuting businessman in trench or topcoat, as a fedora or homburg but knocking about on a weekend errand, or on a campus visit or sporting evernt, (yes, even football, not that we in...
Also check out how short the jacket is. Nowadays, and it was not uncommon then, the jacket hem would end near the ends of the first knuckles, the hand could 'catch it' with curled fingers. This suit emphasizes Gary's height and slim hips. He could wear anything and look good.
Like others, I deplore the nomneclature but adore the ambiance. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the HG WELLS Timemachine movies were forerunners of Steampunk. Golden Compass is a good current example of the genre.
I may share more later but it's only right to register and join after enjoying the 'Google' hits for so many years, researching vintage clothing/costume questions. My only regret is that I can no loger revel in the sinful, mysterious bliss of being a 'lurker'. Now I get jaw slapped...
Western hat
The best, and one I have and might actually wear: Seth Bullock's from Deadwood. Black wide brimmed Homburg style with dark gray brown grosgrain trim and large standing pencil roll.
Even the pioneers would have been glad to have Puffs with aloe. These germ lockers are nice to remember but now, best for show, safely tucked into the suit or jacket breast pocket, never to be removed for the originally intended purpose. They are the sartorial equivalent of a duck press.
Quote: "it also argued that drunken husbands were responsible for dragging their wives and children into poverty."
With that arguement, can an Amendment banning Ebay be far away?
"The Noble Experiment" indeed. I would still like to know how it gained enough support in post WWI America, with tens of thousands of Doughboys coming home badly in need of a drink, to become an Amendment to the Constitution. Makes one wonder about the clout of organized crime (not seriously)...
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