Smoking: the death of me? Not yet.
I began smoking in 1965, age 12. Snuck into the laundromat where we could buy a pack of Ralieghs or Marlborough for 35 cents. Smoked every damn one of them before sleeping. Quit when I had a family in 1987. Only the occasional cigar since. Cubans in Mexico on...
Gin vs Vodka
This is common: The 'botanicals' (the folderol for all the juniper, berries and floor sweepings supposed to be in it) in gin are rumored to be responsible. Still, I stick with gin, because of its history and I feel sorry for it. I have not 'searched' it but wonder if any thread...
What am I drinking tonight?
No one cares but Mrs Foster, but to start while I cooked the best chuck roast of my life, ( potatoes, -note the 'e', Dan Quayle, carrots, onions, two cups wine and a jigger of Worcestershire, 4 tbsps Kosher salt and 3 of coarse ground black pepper, all in a Dutch...
Once you go black,....
I tend to agree with Max Flash. I wear a suit daily for business and no one in my industry (finance/banking) wears a black suit. There are undoubtedly functions such as a funeral where you might prefer black, or perhaps your work place requires it for some reason but I...
Pedestrian: Ordinary; boring; quotidian; Gordon's Gin
I admire all the wonderful, expensive gins but honestly, I think Gordon's makes a fine Martini. And I think Martini & Rossi dry vermouth is perfectly acceptable and from what I read about Noilly Pratt's recipe change for their dry vermouth...
I am new in town. What is meant by "styling people"? I am guessing that it has to do with wearing vintage clothing on a regular basis or is it a subgroup of the Board who are in the industry?
What makes me feel vintage?
1. Draft card and driver's license
2. Memories of steam locomotives (N&W ran steam through my town until 1960)
3. The mirror
4. Memories of the great 40's and 50's cars I grew up with
5. Programmed from childhood disdain for most PC things.
shirt tie
I like the combination and note also that these go together so well they were US Army class A since Vietnam until recently. Well, whether the Army shirts were 'mint' is arguable but they were of that general shade.
flat caps
This looks great on you. I share the opinon that these are difficult for many of us to pull off, not looking affected when we wear one. You manage to make it work for you.
Mine came from age. I'm 55; can't remember spit. I admire all the clever monikers you posters use but mine is just a phonetic bastardization of my name. If you get to know me, the 'bastardization' will become quite understandable.
A lesson?
I wonder only half facetiously, how much better American business would be if more senior managers got buzzed at lunch and laid low in the afternoons. In 34 years in the corporate workforce, I have observed much mischief careerism and gamesmanship that would have been beneficially...
Radio Marti ni
Born too soon. Many references to Mad Men in this thread and how many of us wish we had livers that could tolerate that level of alcohol consumption? Yes, quite a few hands up. Ah, I have both mine in the air, sorry.
Don Draper was a Korean War vet but his his pal Roger may...
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