This thread from another board
supports your view, and it's from several years ago-certainly would be more so now.
His 'on again, off again' with heroin evidently caused his weight to swing like Oprah. But his pecs were decidedly flabby.
(risking accusation of hijacking a thread with this interesting subject, it's hard to believe the fat junkie was ever a dashing, svelte fighter pilot. I have read...
Thanks, not bad looking and certainly inexpensive. This compares with the Hilfiger ones available for similar cost.
I am resigned now to go to $500-$700 because I can amortize the cost over the rest of my life. That leaves Oxxford out of reach but Brooks 1818, Press and Southwick at the...
Well, Oxxford certainly seems to be the best OTR, by what I have gleaned online. But, sadly, no deals to make them affordable without a trust fund or eating Ramen for a few months.
This might be a good option for the winter weight. I can wait on that one but need a summer weight for a South Carolina event in October (U of SC senior- daughter #2's sorority dinner/dance/drunk).
I am afraid of ebay because of 'knock offs' sold as original label things.
You mention...
Are the Southwicks fused? I thought I had read that they were canvas. I am becoming resigned to a $700 bill for this but hope that will at least buy something non-fused. I know 'fused' is not always bad and I am sure I have suits, perhaps even some Brooks that are fused but I also have some...
Yes, Press is often mentioned on some other boards that I visited but seems to run third to Southwick and Brooks Brothers. US market Burberry and Hart Schaffner & Marx are said to all be made at the same factory and just 'ok'. There is some question of fused interfacing on the lesser grades of...
Need a new blazer, well probably 2, one for warm seasons, one for colder. I've looked at Southwick, HS&M Golden Trumpeter and O'Connell's (like the doeskin for cold weather).
Dann offers maybe too many choices but the Corbin ones seem like a good compromise between cost and quality.
I have seen photos of the Reeves costume. Weird looking.
Marc is right. Sadly, the Peterman website, like their catalog, affects these wash drawings. I just bought the herringbone blazer and the chalk striped suit coat and they are very nice and look very much '30's. Nice material-Irish tweed herringbone and English-milled chalkstripe- and for the...
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