Justice delayed is still justice. Will there ever be a fair accounting in this realm for men (and to be fair, some women?) who participate in genocidal murder?
Who has gone after the minions who served under Stalin's pet murderer, the Guinness World Record-holding murderer Vasili Blokhin...
Wonderful collection of posted quotes. Mine's not by a famous general or personality but by TV's Madmen Don Draper as he shows the newly hired Peggy around the office and describes Sterling Cooper as "...have (sic) more failed artists and intellectuals than the Third Reich."
Yes, they are very debonair, and look miles better than disintegrating used tissues but actually using a germ vault like that is just not in me. On the other hand, it's fun to wear one with the business suit occasionally to tick coworkers off. Nothing says "I don't really work" like a pocket...
Got a Zippo from my daughters for my birthday and I no longer smoke. I just love handling it, flicking the steel lighter wheel and savoring the smell of the fluid in the case. Brings back a lot of great memories.
Not vintage but I went out and bought three in '04, two for myself, a stainless datejust with plain bezel, white face and Roman numerals; same in stainless and gold and then that model for the Mrs. so I could sleep inside. It was surprising how much the dealer was willing to discount when I...
The first link does not provide a photo but I get what you are saying. I prefer the low cut Chucks, in black, myself. They are comfortable and look suitably Bohemian with jeans or shorts.
I'm a lawyer/banker so share Aether's moral void, at least as far as gym shoes.
Personal failing aside, (and, forum posters who itch to slam my shortcomings, please rest easy knowing Mrs. Foster bears your burden and does your work for you), what again is the difference between the Purcells...
Ok; I'll bite: What's the diff between Jack Purcells and Chuck Taylors? Been wearing Chucks for years and years and sleep OK not worrying about where and how their made, much like sausage.
US Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio has a wonderful display of lovingly, accurately restored bombers
and fighters of all nations and many uniform and artifact displays as well. And the cost? FREE!
This art is as close to real world magic as there is. Sadly there are so few left in my city. They have died out: Ernie and then Nora Scherer of A-1 Miracle weavers, for example.
One place here in town, Trotta's, can place the work and it's good (and expensive, of course), but so few options...
Post Script: Another current style forum has a thread on the original topic but not much detail on the item itself. http://www.askandyaboutclothes.com/forum/showthread.php?113647-Corbin-Blue-Blazer-Murray-s-Toggery
I think the BB 1818 will serve.
No luck on ebay. Pulled the trigger on the 1818 Madison at BB; full lining and great fabric. Tried on the slimmer 'Fitzgerald' one but it was only partially lined and looked too small. The 'Friends and Family' sale won't start until next Thursday but the jacket is marked and being altered now...
Thanks, as the always helpful Dinerman has also explained. I am at work and cannot access those sites so I will email images if you want to contact me that way (via profile). I have two shots, a whole jacket and detail of the collar/lapels and cuff, admittedly not much better than the pen and...
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