I ran into this site on my own but the pricing is just out of my range. I will spring for a Magnoli suit if I want a new one, appropos of Marc's comments. Still, the site clothing is some sort of 'homage'.
This is an exciting discovery for any of us who love this ouvre. I honor Jeremy Brett's work but also enjoy the Ritchie movies take on these characters, too. What fun to anticipate seeing these new BBC episodes someday on our US television or via DVD.
Well, then, to wit, my comment about the fussy uncle who insists on your knocking when he visits...
This seems very much like something that anyone who wants one, should certainly have.
This is always a fun subject. For those who can stand to visit more than one online forum www.askandyaboutclothes.com 'Trad' forum has a fun beat down on black suits. Spoiler alert: Fun or funerals.
Temperature and creature comfort aside, I share your feeling about the look of a vest with a DB suit. Less is more. I note that Johnny Depp gave this look a shot in the arm with 'Dillinger' though.
Aside from the right and respect of collecting in general, I think this topic has more resonance of the ridiculous with those of us who can remember only a few sneaker makers (Converse, Red Ball Jets, Keds), and styles, (high cut, low cut, black or white), circa 1960 or so. Who knew it would...
That's good! My wife just threatens to burn my 42 year old gray herringbone jacket that was part of a two piece suit I got when I was 16. I may let her.
To the original posted question, he's the fussy uncle your parents described as a 'confirmed bachelor' and always told you to knock first on his door when he visited.
I have both the Todd's "Outdoorsman's" boots and a pair of real Alden 405's. I got the Todd's boots first and something just gnawed on me to have the real thing.
Yes, ditto on kudos to Todd but these boots are not sturdy, perhaps not even real leather (I can't really tell but they look...
Peterman is now running a 'red tag' after Christmas sale. If you didn't get what you wanted before, your chances now are slim because the sizes are picked over, and many options are gone. I am still hoping the classic blue blazer may still be around for the deep Spring discounts in a few months...
I have a couple of fur felt hats and they are fine but nothing looks as shiny and sleek as a silk plush top hat.
The felt ones lack that lustre and the sharp edge where the 'body' of the hat meets the horizontal crown top. Ton's refurbished ones are very nice but John McMicking's silk plush...
On the original topic, two thoughts.
1. I have been dismayed at the ridiculous appearance of casual footwear for at least the past twenty years: 'athletic shoes' are laughably Lil' Abner boat-shaped globs and made of hideous materials and colors but evidently satisfy a pop culture fueled...
Amen. I am'skinny' but suspenders feel so much better than a cinched waist and keep the trou at a desirable level with no 'creep'. (well, excepting the feller inside them but you know what I mean).
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