Work shirts (BB pointed collar) laundered after each wearing, light starch. Suits, no more than twice a year. Ditto wool trousers. Jeans? Maybe after a week's wearing. Cotton trousers, shorts, maybe after a week's wearing.
I am no authority so this is useful info only as part of a larger...
What is the occasion? This would be fine for a daytime social gathering but not hanging around the house unless you're on the front porch, listening to Brick Polllitt play his saxaphone in the evening swelter. Ditto linens and seersuckers.
If it's just around the house, I recall the...
Yes, this is the American convention. I am a lawyer with no pretension to 'esquire' but that is the general use here. It is sometimes used as an obsequious honorific.
The mystery sustains. It would be interesting to know if the suit's dimensions corresponded to the late Mr. Newman's.
There was also a wrestler here in the MidWest in the late '50's, early '60's named Man Mountain Cannon, a contemporary of the formidable "Haystack Calhoun" who appeared on our local TV on Saturday afternoons on a show called 'Big Time Wrestling', which wasn't, so much. He may have been this...
"The Man With No Name" of the Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Westerns. Took a year or so of chasing all the right stuff down at foolish cost. Just finished distressing/bleaching some brown rough-out boots that were a one run-and-done from Fugawee; have a Cimarron Arms Colt conversion and will grow...
Well, has anyone inquired ('enquired'?) of Oxxford for vintage patterns, since that was suggested?
I note that the ubiquitous Indy Magnoli suits and Matt Deckard offerings have not been discussed in this regard.
Agree. And the date would support a time when he could have/would have bought a suit like that. Like most tangilbles that don't have a COA or photo of the celebrity handing the item over, or DNA sample on it, (don't go there), these things can always be disputed.
tonyb's last post also states...
Dang!, as they say. Those are nice jeans styles. I am eyeing the hard to find 1878 pantaloons at Unionmade. I won't buy them thinking of a resale but Mrs. F will want an estate sale-soon- if she sees what they cost.
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