Shadow of the Vampire. It features a classic horror film within a stylish horror film with great actors (perhaps not acting so greatly but still fun and scary).
Locally, it's just a flag display.
When I was young ('50's-'60's) the grown ups called it Armistice Day.
Now, I just lay out a replica of 'Black Jack' Pershing's uniform and a German general's kit, helmet and tunic, on the dining room table and have an adult beverage or six and watch a WWI...
I was defrauded by a seller in Georgia, (US) who did the same thing..actually persuaded me to drop a claim, then promptly vamoosed to Czecoslovakia or whatever it's called now-opened up a restaurant/club in Prague, whcih I hope failed. Paypal did reopen it and I got a full recovery.
I always choose Paypal when given the option for non-ebay purchases because of the help I have gotten with bad transactions. I have only suffered one partial loss after years and years of experience. I am sure most banks/cc companies will eventually compete with them but they have my loyalty.
I will try to post some pics in the Suits forum as soon as I can. I got more info on this amazing find: It came from an auction in New Hampshire and it had been stored in a trunk for a very long time, which accounts for it's pristine condition. For fun, I took it accross the street to our local...
This is probably not the place to post this but I just got this suit. I have bought vintage suits before and they're nice but usually needed alteration, with the preservation angst that causes, to fit. This is preternatural! This beautiful three piece suit fits me EXACTLY. The unpaddes...
I WAS Zorro! Even had the Hi-Fi Disney story record. My mom woke up one Saturday morning to see that I had used the chalk tip to blaze "Z's" and "Zorro" all over the living room walls. That was a long Saturday with the sponge and soapy water....
Those swords ALWAYS broke off, separating the...
Remember the Yancey Derringer belt buckle with the little derringer gun that would flip out and cap fire? Also by Mattel, I think. Can't remember how it worked but man, that was one we all had to have, too.
"When in Rome...". I know the local market dictates attire, even in banking. I have spoken with people who work/have worked in banks on the West Coast and in Florida and they report much relaxed dress norms. I have toiled here for two large 'super-regionals' for over 35 years and can attest...
I think Shangas' first post is a good summary.
On Hess: The evidence that Hess was sent to Britain is far less compelling than the official version that he was a dim bulb who thought he was on a mission that would be 'approved' if he was successful. Hess's understanding of who did what in...
The posts reveal many folks who do not (have to) work in a large corporate office setting. I will testify that here, at a large regional bank headquarters in the Mid West, there are rules and they are not lightly transgressed, except on the idiotic 'Casual Friday' and even then, jeans will mark...
Cincinnati, Ohio (I actually live right across the river in Fort Thomas, Kentucky) People here live in the sports purgatory of baseball and football teams that break our hearts, year after year after year.
This is the stuff dreams are made of. One of my favorite cars. It screams Golden Age. I actually sat in one once, owned by a long-ago friend. I recall riding in a different make/model, just-post war coupe of this size, that my aunt had. She called it her 'puddle jumper'.
John Malloy's book "Dress For Success" killed brown suits because he wrote that brown and green suits tested poorly except for the American Mid-West. (Insert joke about us here).
I don't own one yet but Hardwick has one at that is tempting, in a dark brown/grey...
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