Most treasured hand me down: Mom's two heavy, blackened cast iron skillets. What stories these could tell!
Most regretted loss: Tossing the still functional waffle iron she got in the '40's.
My mom (93) describes fresh chicken dinners on Sundays. Her father and grandfather also butchered hogs and steers and smoked/preserved meat. I'd pass on the 'factory fresh' milk she describes at milking time.
I was able to replicate the uniform of Capt. E J Smith with some effort and expense. The hat used an embroidered peak from Wydean Weaving
the hat made, using this visor, by Michael Janke in Germany; the buttons from Waterbury, the coat made by The Quartermaster Shop...
I see others already made this point. Better to wear morning dress into the evening than evening dress in the afternoon. Of course, this redundancy didn't keep me from posting twice.
The consensus on another forum is that it's certainly reasonable to wear a stroller or morning dress into the evening if the event straddles 6:00PM. On the other hand, as one poster points out, no one will probably notice or comment one way or the other.
Point, set and match. This is probably as good as it could get. Well done. I must confess our Opera draws attire as varied as this to the aforementioned flip flops and frankly, as long as they are there to enjoy the magic of opera, does it matter at all?
Thank you, Dhermann1! I have a similar shirt and it seems fine. I am reading a lot of hoo haw on these threads and on another forum (named after someone called Andy) that seems to favor the detachable collars. I really don't know why.
Anyone have a reasonably priced source for the shirt with detachable wing collar? (not for this occasion but I also have a single breasted peak lapel tux-and the execrable notch lapel, too but that is another story).
I missed this somewhere in the 132 previous pages. Well, my lips just got tired.
I plan to wear a double breasted peak lapel tuxedo/dinner jacket soon.
Two questions: 'roll over' collar shirt or wing collar? (would prefer the roll over)
Shirt cuffs: links of course but French or barrel...
" 'The Dude Abides'. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good, just knowin' he's out there...The Dude....takin' er easy fer all us sinners." Sam Elliot as The Stranger 'The Big Lebowski'
Wait a minute, let me get this on. Ok, I'm braced: Nikola Tesla (since everyone else got the Windsors already). For a guy who reputedly had so many super inventions he didn't exactly cash in, did he? Besides AC current, where's zero point energy? The Death Ray? Time travel and all the other...
Honoring the pursuit and preservation of original vintage pieces, there is a consolation of reproductions: They are in new condition, fit properly and can be exactly what you want, even if the element of 'bargain' is seldom attained. It is easier to risk a reproduction to the weather and wine...
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