Charcoal grey, and a stormy coat as well.
While I love the hat, the coats buttons were poorly applied. I hope that they got better at that since I bought mine.
Do you get them from I've often wanted to try roasting them my self, but it's the art of doing it in cast iron or a fairly high start up cost for a roaster. How do you do it Redpop4
We also have a semi-large place called Ferris Coffee & Nut that has been around for a while. However, there coffee isn't nearly as good, and costs more. I can get a good estate coffee from Herman's boy for $6.50 to $7.50 per pound. It would be $10/lbs at Ferris. And Starbucks? $8.00 for 12...
We have a local coffee roaster in the town I live near called Herman's Boy. They roast a lot of coffee for such a small place. It's great, because it allows me to get fresh roasted coffee in small amounts. I make my coffee in a french press, or sometimes a stove top espresso maker. French...
I was discussing roman era stuff at work one day with some co-workers. I said "I'd be kinda neat to do some roman 1st century reenacting". One of my co-workers said "Didn't they all wear tights?"
Another time, I had a co-worker tell me he didn't like history, because all the girls back then...
I know, I'm just funning you. Great Avatar by the by.
All in good time. Every journey starts with one step.
I'm enjoying this thread. Thanks for all the advice thus far.
Okay, well, I'm not a girl.:) Funny story: My good friend Dave was looking to get a Glock pistol. He finally settled on the 26, which is the smallest one Glock imports into the us. He was a little concerned about the recoil from such a small gun (not that heavy). So I sent him some links...
I'm thinking I might start with something that is for use with suits, and then transition to a brown hat for "other" occasions. Anyone here: Does the black of a hat ever come close to the black of a suit? Is it better to just go with a grey? Do the Akubra CEO's have a grey or black ribbon?
I do I have 7 5/8 noggin, so a big hat might be fine. I'll measure in cm prior to any akubra order ofcourse. Thanks so much for the reponses thus far. Any pictures of the CEO, Federation or Stylemaster are helpful.
I have considered the Federation in grey as well. How hard was it to bash? I do like the idea of doing it my self, but I'm a little intimitated. It seems like a really "big" hat. Is that the case? Aside from that, I like the staight high crown. I'd be wareing it mostly with casual clothes...
I’m looking for some insights into the Akubra CEO. I’ve done some searching around, and have seen the few posts that there are on it. There may have been more discussion, but I think “CEO” being only three letters the search doesn’t find it. I’d really like to see pictures of your...
I think that this topic is fascinating. I have a theory that wearing fedoras, or other than baseball hats, in public is a kind of breaching experiment. When people are presented with this thing which they don't understand, or something that doesn't fit into their standard world view, things...
My maternal Grandfather was a rural route carrier for the USPS in the 40's, 50's and 60's. He carried, or at least owned, a .32 Iver Johnson revolver. The gun is much older than that time period, so I can only assume that he had it from further back. I believe that he purchased it from his...
I have a cabin in Lake City. In fact, Wednesday is the opening of firearm deer season, so I'll be up there soon. Doesn't get more Michigan than driving my Buick up north to go hunting.
Long time reader, first time poster...
I live in the GR area as well. Nice to see some people on here not from CA or NY. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I've been looking around for some good hat places in Grand Rapids, but no luck. I hear of a place near Div & Hall called...
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