I have a decent stash of the .303 South African surplus stuff from about 7 years ago. Really good ammo, almost as good as the Greek HXP. Alas, that is most likely the last we will see of it.:(
Cooncat Bob, that is one fine looking rifle! Is that a Sharps Rifle Co or C. Sharps? Pedersoli...
I don't think I saw any votes for the grand old lady of the British Empire: The Lee Enfield! I have a No.1 Mk. III* and a No.4 Mk.2, both of which are awesome rifles in a great cartridge, the .303 British. Surplus ammo isn't as common as it used to be, but you can still buy plenty of new...
I'm glad that I have inspired so many new Akubra purchases. One of the reasons I got mine is I always hold off on getting something, and then for one reason or another that thing is no longer available. I was so afraid of e-mailing hatsdirect and getting a reply like "Sorry, Akubra has gone...
I think it's called "Taupe Fawn", which is slightly different then "Tawny Fawn" in some way that us non-Austrailian non-felters can't understand.
I really like the color, much better then a drak brown.
Yes, the Camp Draft comes open crowned. The brim is 2 7/8" and is ribbon bound. I didn't measure the crown when open, but I assume it is 6" due to my hat size (7 5/8).
AG I can't wait to see your Silverbelly one either. I thought I might go that direction as well, but I was afraid it would be too white. We will know when your's arrives.
Okay, here is the deal from Hatsdirect.com on ordering a Campdraft:
email Ron and tell him you want a Campdraft and ask him where to go on the site to order it. He'll send you the standard options and a link to the super secret order page where you put in your "custom" order. I say custom...
Here are some views of the bash:
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/8063495@N02/535817830/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/218/535817830_0260f338fe.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="100_0130" /></a>
Thanks for all the compliments on the bash fellas. It's a half tear drop, half c-crown. I have tried center dents, but they always end up as that. Meh, I like it just the way it is.
The brim was a bit stiffer then my Sydney. I think that has to do with the ribbon bound edge, but that's...
Finally! In fact it got here faster then my Fedora from hatsdirect. 7 days! Here it is:
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/8063495@N02/534599679/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1226/534599679_bc28bee265.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="100_0101" /></a>...
You might want to take a look at this thread. Light weight felt hats. I'd love to get one, but they are a bit out of my price range at the time. Someday maybe...
I'm happy you got your hats to fit as well. I've been wearing mine for a couple of days, and I can really feel the sweat band starting to shrink up. That's good, as it was a touch on the big size right out of the box, but now it's getting great!
Thanks for the pictures. I...
Thanks for the positive responses fellas. It sure is great to have a nice hat. I'm wearing it to church today, I can't wait for it. One thing this hat does, it make me want to dress better. Tucking in my shirts, wearing my nice shoes instead of my Vans, wearing a long sleeve shirt and...
After sending back my size 60 gray Fedora to hatsdirect, and after being told that the size 61 was out of stock, and after waiting 3 more weeks, it has finally arrived:
Nice side view
One with the hats owner
Interestingly enough, the previous hat I received hat a red liner...
I think, and this is just my guess here, unless it is really loose, I'd stay with the 61 +1 strip. It should snug up with wear. Didn't it come with 2 strips? If so try one front and one back I guess. Good luck. I'm waiting on my Akubra Fedora. They were out of 61's in grey, so I have to...
7 5/8 is more then likely a 61cm. I'm a 7 5/8, I ordered a 60cm and had to send it back due to it being too small. It must have been the tape measure because I consistently got 60.2cm to 60.4cm, but with English side I got 24 to 24 1/4. Anyhow, hatsdirect.com is sending out the 61, and the 60...
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