I hesitated posting this because I did not want it to appear I was bashing PB. That is not the case at all. The hat is AWESOME, it just turned out to be the wrong size. I started this post before I took a close look at the size. PB and I are working out the issues right now. I think it is...
Well, after several months, my Panama hat came.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/enfield249/1501044068/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2233/1501044068_5977488b57.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="100_1017" /></a>
Side View
I've got one in Charcoal. It's a great hat, really soft. Comes open crowned so you can shape it your self. I got mine from Hatsdirect.com. Had to send the first one back as it was too small, but they were really cool about it and I got my new hat in about 3 weeks. Haven't worn it much...
It's funny you should mention the word "weird". I have found that in some areas this word is a catch all for "different" or "I don't understand this, and it makes me uncomfortable". In the area I live in I have heard it used this way many times. Example: A friend described the movie "The New...
The pin looks great on that hat RBH. Fits well with the campdraft I think. I kind of see the CD as a "town and country" sort. The thin ribbon says "I can ride a horse" but the bound edges says "but now I own the ranch.."
Big fan of Crane's paper here as well. I use there black bordered ecru notes for my thank you's, on the infrequent occasion that I write them. I also got some of there "Holiday" cards last year to send out to my customers. Seemed like last year I could not find a one that said "Christmas" at...
I know that it is the end of the spectator season, but I was thinking about next year. Who here has some? Who made them and what do you think of them? I really like the couple that Allen-Edmonds makes, but if the Stacy Adams ones are all leather uppers and hold up well, I wouldn't be adverse...
I've enjoyed the directors commentary of several films. The modern "Pride and Prejudice", "Way of the Gun", "Serenity". The actors commentary from "Lord of The Rings:Return of the King" is especially good. The actors who play Merry and Pippin are so dang funny. I head an interview with David...
Yes they do, the Campdraft. I have one in tawny fawn, however Atomic Glee has one in "Sand", which is very similar to Silver Belly in color. It's a beautiful hat. We both got ours from Hats Direct.
"Just once I'd like to be called 'sir', without it being followed by 'your making a scene'"- Homer Simpson
I've gotten some mildly positive comments, it feels nice.
I second that Rick. A whippet in my size, in nice plyable felt, from an American company would be worth at least $150 to me, slightly more if it was beaver. From a market standpoint it seems like this would be do-able. HATCO would just need to position itself in price some where between...
Dzacca, that picture looks like it could be where I'm from, Western Michigan. With the pine tree and the corn, I almost thought you were right outside here:eek: Not what I thought that Italy would look like at all.
Welcome to the lounge. I think that Indy is like a "gateway drug" to hats. You start with that style, and then the world of hats opens. Lots of good info, and I look forward to seeing you around! Huzzah!
I couldn't agree more Matt. I've got 2 hats so far, both Akubra, and both a great. A carbon grey Fedora (Sydney) and a Taupe Fawn Campdraft. All around, a fine company. Get 'em while you can boys!
Welcome aboard! This is a great message board for all kinds of infromation, not just hats. You'll find many knowledgeable people here.
What hat size do you wear, Yohanes?
I'm a 7 5/8 my self.
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