Who says anybody needs to conform to his, or yours, or my, idea of what looks good. We have a few members here who wear homburgs or bowlers with casual gear and they carry it off well - in spite of what the style police might say.
Ephraim Tutt - Hat Anarchist
Well folks, when the only way someone can promote themselves is to pull others down, that tells you all you need to know about the value of their advice.
I had a chat yesterday with the maker of Hugh's hat, Rosie Boylan. She told me she was going for a cross between a homburg and a cowboy hat. Great look - and you're right elvis, it would sell. Rosie tells me it won an award for best movie hat that year. (There's an award for best movie hat??).
Good grief Brad. FIVE hat shops in the same proximity and two of those in the same street! And that's just ONE brand! Hats were obviously one of life's essentials in the 20's.
Many thanks Billy, Mr P, Mario and Sue.
As for the name Mr P...well...time, and language, changes doesn't it. Interestingly, my Gay Blade doesn't have the model name anywhere on the hat. I do have the original receipt which notes the name, but the hat only designates it as 'Dobbs 15' on the...
What a collection of well dressed melons!
Honorable mention must go to Deputy, Mr P, Scott (how do you keep coming up with these beauties?!), Billy (where have you been hiding all these stonking lids?!) and Salty -that wide brim looks perfect on the CD
Which just goes to show, Mario ol chum, that's there's a story behind all the hats we own. I bet we could write a book of "Hat Tales - A hatophile's hatography"
One of my favourite Borsalinos is a Punti 7 - and I'm a Punti 5-1/2. Like you, I got excited by the hat and received conflicting advice from the seller re the size. So, I took the chance. The confusion kept most of the bidders away and I got it cheap.
Well...it turned out to be a true but...
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