Yes indeed it was Mario.
Mine is an Akubra Balmoral hemp straw.
And Billy, Australia isn't the force it once was. Though I doubt England will be holding on to the Ashes after their visit Down Under at the end of this year.
Ok let's compromise here Craig.
Makes a rebellion much more interesting...
CHINASKI - I'll add my 2 Champs to the Champ thread soon.
And the rebellion continues...
Actually, these are a couple of 1960's lids I picked up for my son (more in the New Hats thread). Naturally, I had to test drive 'em before handing over the keys.
CHAMP SUEDE (ok it has a 2" brim and isn't quite a stingy)
The above Champ oriiginally came out of the box looking like this. Love that feather! Actually, it's mostly badger hair. I should shave with it. I guess it did cover the moth nibbles.
My son's first vintage lids
My 18 year old son has begun to show some interest in fedoras, so I bought him an Akubra Bogart for Christmas and it's rarely off his head.
This week I picked him up a couple of 60's stingies to begin his vintage collection.
STETSON GUN CLUB long-hair - Charcoal...
Let the stingy rebellion begin!
Today I was out in the 1960's Churchill Beaver 50. Way too hot to wear a beaver, but I'm in the mood for rebellion.
Stingies Unite!
On no Jabos - we demand much more than a mere Bar Exam! We want your SOUL!
ok...we'll trade your soul for a hat photo or some legal war stories or even a review of your favourite drop of vino or amber fluid.
Arise Brother Jabos and welcome to the Observation Bar Association!
It's starts subtley this brimism.....but it's brimism nonetheless.
Or maybe it's widthism....or stingyism!
What the hell, we need a STINGY UPRISING thread!
You can take away our stingy brims, but you'll never take away our FREEDOM - to don another one!
This one goes straight to Official Stonker Status Mr P. That blue/grey is one of my favourite colours.
Nice box too. Care to park a pic in the Hatbox thread?
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