Miss Bella Hell's personal shopping service to the rescue, AGAIN! Seriously ladies, I can't tell you how much stuff I have that she's bought for me or pointed me to on Ebay!
I just won this on Ebay! I'm amazed - I thought the price was going to skyrocket and put in a bid that I was sure wouldn't win! I'm pretty sure I'm not really well endowed enough to hold up a strapless dress, so i think I'll add removable straps of grosgrain ribbon. I'll probably also try to...
I forgot - I've never had her do my hair, but Shelly at Dellaria salon in Coolidge Corner in Brookline (Boston area) would probably also be a good bet. She's a local pinup girl who's an ace at vintage hair and MUA. She's done a lot of makeup and hairstyling for FL's own Timothy Steiner's pinup...
Oooh thanks for posting that! What a sweet article. And as I said, the prices are better than almost anyplace else in Boston - $30 for a wash and cut and $40 for a partial color (got my blond roots redone), and you can't beat that anywhere! I had a conversation about setting lotion with the...
I can't agree with Kassia more. Depression, even if situational, if a legitimate medical problem and needs to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor, with or without the addition of counseling.
Other suggestions that people made here are great, but only for mild depression - encourage her to...
I built my bookcase, a smaller bookcase, a huge cat tree, and repurposed a bookcase into an entertainment center - in the middle of my livingroom. An ex of mine and I built a huge wooden cabinet to hold a gigantic fish tank - in his dining room. You don't need a ton of space to build stuff, you...
Have you checked the OB or the Steam Trunk? I'd be surprised if there wasn't a thread in there somewhere already.
As a side note, don't expect anything to be affordable. From what I've heard, vintage in NY is way WAY overpriced.
For Boston area gals, I highly recommend Miss Laura's on South St in Jamaica Plain! They understand vintage stuff and even have gals there who know how to finger wave. Dominique in particular is good with vintagey stuff.
The best part is that a cut is only $30 and the whole salon is full of...
Make your own. You'll get something much better quality, in the dimensions and color you want, for much cheaper. I did that years back and got a huge 4'x5' bookcase for about $50 once all was said and done.
yeah, it could be a lot of things.
My diet hasn't changed and my stress level hasn't really changed, but about 2 months ago I started breaking out everywhere. I didn't change detergents or beauty products either. Why, I ask myself? Who knows. I could have just hit that point where adult skin...
I've never found it to work all that well with my feet, but my feet are a horrible, calloused mess (thanks, roller derby!). After only 2 days with the Neutrogena on my hands, though.... ! I've been using socks because I don't have appropriate gloves. I kind of like it - it's like sleeping with...
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