The Japanese leadership clung to that concept of honor at Midway which meant that not only did the Japanese lose the 4 carriers but also many of their best Captains and Admirals.
Far better to take your ability and knowledge off the field and come back and win the war.
There's no reason...
I love the overly long, muzzle heavy rifles. They look like the ones in the battle scene vignettes in "Soldier".
There's something very aggressively militaristic about that style.
It's Pearl in '43. Where did the robot come from? It can't wade across the Pacific.
By mid-'43 the US fleet submarines and air reconnaissance had a pretty good handle on what shipping (or giant robots) were traveling in Japanese-held waters, much less something that had to cross miles of...
Go to
and post a question asking for leads to trainers. You'll get all sorts of help.
You might mention carebear gave you the lead. Some of the ladies know me.
You were in Rough Riders? Sweet.
Begin and Nick,
H. John Poole gives an excellent account of the particular tactics used by the Turks in their elimination of the Sandringham Company at Suvla Bay in his book "Tactics of the Crescent Moon".
Accuracy within effective range (couple hundred yards) has little to do with barrel length. Shorter slides just lead to shorter sight radii, make it harder to aim accurately.
Springfield Armory has a new 1911 pattern sized down to fit the 9mm cartridge. Looks like a winner.
You always wear goggles or a mask around your neck, not up on your grape. wind or water will rip them right off and then you're blind.
When you're military diving they'll call you "Mike Nelson" if you perch 'em on your forehead.
I bought the military-issue, green box, dust and snow...
She's a lady, she'd go out with Marc at least once. If only to be polite.
But really, it's Marc-freakin'-Chevalier. No chance he gets turned down. :eusa_clap
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