Back in the day when life was more civilized, folks had vases for flowers in their cars. Have been looking for one for a coon's age with no luck, so have decided to try to fiddle one on my own.
I have a neat old green-glass bottle about 11/4" by 2" by 7". I would like to afix this to the dash...
Beautiful. Is it a bins case? Also, is that stitching on the top strap merely decorative or is there a practical purpose? As to age, 'twenties looks right to me. Sure hope we see more stuff like this.
Well said CB. That's how I tend to look at it. Thoreau said "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." A condition exponentially worse than any perceived eccentricities on the part of those few who live artfully.
Yes, asked and answered. Thanks a lot.
For myself, having had many years of shooting with muzzle loaders of all types, for a dangerous game, close range arm, I'd take the smoothy. WAY faster loading.
Great stuff, you Brits, I love "listening" to our progenitors yacking about all these cool anachronisms that make life worthwhile.
Over here, no blackthorn or hazel. I use pin cherry, birch, Douglas maple, and for long staffs, standing dead lodgepole pine from the north side of mountains...
Caught an episode of Antiques Roadshow tonight, wherein one feller showed up with a ring, by Cartier, which was the spittin' image of a cigar band. Made of gold and enamel, back when, it was priced at $7000. I want one.
Wonder if anybody knows where I could find a similar bauble, but in...
Very interesting stuff. Like your info on the punt guns HJ, but as they were smooth bores, I am wondering if Baby was just as you say, or was it a rifled bore? At the range it was used on tuskers, it probably would not really matter, but an interesting question nes pas?
Like Marc, I'm a simple man.
Pockets for carrying, broom straws for cleaning and a pocket knife for maintenance. There's just something so bohemian about going at a pipe worth a couple of hundred dollars with basic tools and smelling up one's clothing with
I tried it in the past, can't remember the brand, but it was a type that I think is referred to as "high dry toast." It was a dry, very fine powder and even snuffing lightly it would hit the back of my throat, which I gather is poor form. I have thought about trying to track down a moister...
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