i had a crush on a dude who immediately turned around and got himself engaged. lol. whatever. my crushes are few and far between. as far as forum crushes...the older gentlemen are in my favor!
the only time, ever, i recieved flowers from someone was when i got my appendicts (sp?) out this...
there will be blood
it was either brilliant or just really wierd. i can't decide yet. i guess i'll have to watch it again. [huh]
i also watched the monastery: mr. vig and the nun
it was really great. i love documentaries...so maybe i'm biased...but this was great.
congrats!! you're an inspiration for those of us considering the same thing. jumping the secure ship, that is...and following The Dream. :eusa_clap
i hope you come back here and share bits of your experiences.
God willing, i'll have the standard Orthodox Christian funeral. it is the most beautiful and complete funeral rite i've witnessed so far...and since i'm Orthodox it's kinda what i have to do anyway. ;)
i'll be buried either at my church, or a cemetary wherever i died. i don't know if anyone...
boy, i would love nothing more than to live old school circa pre-industrial age. lack of funds to purchase land and living in an apartment kind of put a damper on that. :)
but i have no credit cards (working on paying the old ones off), don't own a car, don't use microwaves (not even at...
Two documentaries last night.
Shakespeare Behind Bars - I recommend this one...it's rather heartbreaking.
The Monastery: Mr. Vig and the Nun - I HIGHLY recommend this one. Sweet, frustrating, poignant. I cried. I'm not a crier...so when something makes me cry, it's got to be good. I have...
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