Probably best to fit hobs to a double sole, as you'll no doubt have pre-thought.
The kind you've got will be very slippy on hard surfaces, but with the few slopes in your neck of the woods you should be relatively comfortable with them nailed in. I was walking in a hilly town the other week on...
The kletterjacke(n?) are very nice, Mose. Are these plentiful or scarce in your neck of the woods?
Are you a hobnail wearer at present? I like hobs, but on pavement, cobbles, flagstones, etc., I find myself walking a little daintily, like a secret drunk or old lady.
It's true that many of my countrymen make a brain-dead beeline for the primary colours of football.
You're right to highlight my overplaying the English leapfrogging of the 19th century national dress code, which the Scots and Welsh and Irish leapt right into. And I should add that...
Once again we run up against our old nemesis, the giddy limit.
Context is always worth bearing in mind - I'd not wear speedos and a fascinator at a funeral, for instance. I tend towards keeping my dress action-appropriate, so no hiking stick, bulky rucksack, breeks or hiking boots in town for...
I can't comment as I'd like on this due to the no-politics rule... except to say that your wholly reasonable view is regarded by many in the UK as peculiar, which I find peculiar in itself.
I'll take this one anywhere. I used it on Sunday, just after taking possession. It's light and well balanced, and it's already my favourite backpack. The straps feel strong, but we'll see how they bear up. The leather's incredibly soft and pliable, unlike the thick, heavy hide of the Swiss army...
I've just been given a 1934-looking Bergans rygsaek in overall good condition. I've been looking for one for a while. Photos to follow if I can find my camera charger.
Here's a link to Jarnigin's shirts. Their sites so bad I had to Google it... :rolleyes:
WPG do a repro British army pullover shirt in khaki but no white.
Why would you want white? This here's a khaki thread
Nigh then, catch yerself on, Tanko.
Gentlemen, it seems we have a replacement... dimension collector. :eek:
59 cm hat, since you're asking, ta. Not so sure about grommet size.
With 10 mins' internet searching I've found out that it's a brass mesh eyelet/grommet combo we're looking for, as per Tilley hat ventilation.
Someone should place a bulk order for these items and make them available through 'Classifieds' as custom replacements for an otherwise excellent hat. :D...
That was my first thought. If I'd received a positive reply about sizes from them, I was thinking of removing the plastic bits and plugging or taping over the gap.
If I knew what those little metal 'sieve' grommets are actually called, I'd use them. I know what they look like but don't have a...
I found this a while back. I emailed them about sizing but got no reply.
I notice that us pith-loving big heads are getting special treatment these days: See 'Big head version'. Who'd have thought that only tiny headed folk were wanting them previously?
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