I imagine that was the last Whitsun that Sid and "Vyv" spent together for quite a while, given the date. And I guess they'd have had their work cut out finding quality clobber like that again for quite a while afterwards, too - unless they knew the 'right' (or wrong) people.
I hope they met...
Top it off with a Swedish army peaked wool cap and the job's a good 'un. And maybe wear hose tops rather than gaiters (cheaper still) - and if you don't want to cut up a good pair of trousers.
I've just returned from a visit to London's premier specialist retailer of clothing-grade canvas duck, and cellular and dense-weave cotton - and hard-wearing garments made of same. What a treat to see the best in stylish adventure clothing all in one place! My favourite item was a cotton Norfolk...
Blackout in Gretely, by J B Priesetly is a must. (Not to be confused with the "Blackout of Gretely", the famous earthquake-inducing garage rock howler from Gonn, the best band ever from Keokuk, Iowa.)
Thanks for the reassurance. Perhaps you've had server problems? I've re-sent my email to your sales address, so maybe it'll get through this time.
Remember that you can't send or receive PMs until you've had a few more posts...
I understand the argument, but can't see why you'd be at all concerned about how the jacket fits when you're not wearing it... if you get my drift.
The point is surely whether it's comfortable when worn. If it's more comfortable to work or sit around without a jacket on, that's another thing...
Counter-question: do you want to be comfortable when wearing a jacket?
Spend time in the British Isles and you might think different.
I doubt the 2/3 fat statement. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you're fat or thin. The point is that the garment industry uses large/low armholes because...
That's been the viewpoint of a couple of tailors I've asked to make me jackets with high armholes. My response was: I want to be comfortable wearing it, so I'm not that bothered about being perfectly comfortable while putting it on and taking it off... :rolleyes:
High-waisted pants are also very good for a man who's not 'straight up and down'. With a good cut, they give shape at the rear and definition at the front — with the overall effect of not making you look like a sack of spuds, as can be the case with the belly-over-the-belt look, or the...
The Vitoux biog is okay, but for insight I prefer Milton Hindus.
I've not read L'Eglise, only the novels and non-fiction in English. I've a libretto for Voyage au Bord de la Nuit hidden away somewhere, but I can't remember where.*
Here's the old misery's wikipedia entry.
* Edit: I also...
Yes, that's it. Céline had little time for the sensibilities of the 'Vrench' (as the word he uses comes out in at least one English translation), least of all concerns about linguistic and literary heritage, formalism of address and professionalism.
It's still regared as impolite to throw...
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