thanks imoldfashioned! the pin under the earrings belonged to that grandma i talked about who worked in the dept store. my aunt had it and she just gave it to me last month saying that i would like it better than her.
the initial pin belongs to my husband's grandmother. she is still alive...
ok, so i got my hubby standing here.
his favorite tank commanders would be Hans Weiss, 102 SS, or Willy Fey, also 102 SS.
His fav tank is Tiger I, "it's ugly but packs a nasty punch."
His tattoo is a Tiger I from Kursk complete with zimmerit.
He has a tankers uniform too. They are...
thanks! that dogwood pin is made of porcelin. i got that at an antique store for a few bucks. i don't run across many jewelry pieces that are made of porcelein. so i had to have it. it looks really pretty on the color brown. i have a brown sweater it looks nice on.
as for keeping my stones...
this is my new favorite thread! i collect costume jewelry. not for the maker or value. i just buy stuff i like and stuff that i will wear. i have also inherited some pieces from family members. my grandma used to work for a dept store downtown in the jewelry dept in the late 40's early 50s and...
Riot: you sound like my husband. He is a German armor expert. He is OBSESSED with anything German WW2 armor related. He even has a Tiger tank tattoo.
I used to have a hamster named Rommel. hahaha
i just found a printout someone made for me that explains the U cut.
the last 2 measurements were cut off on the botton right. they should be 4 1/2" and 6".
this is from a modern book but i don't know which one. i just have a few printouts.
blackcigarette: as for brushing your hair all day long, i have found that the shorter your hair, the less you have to brush it.
As for the U cut, I think your hairdresser will know what it is if you ask her.
Ihr Englisch ist fein.
I emailed this quiz to my good friend who is currently serving in the Army. He's in his mid-30s and has been in the Army since he was 18. A "gung-ho" kinda guy.
His result was the French. HAHAHAH. man was he mad about that. I couldn't stop laughing for a good 10 min.
omg! now that i look more closely, i have those same shoes in a kelly green color! i just haven't worn them yet. i don't have anything to wear them with but i had to have them anyway. hahah. i think i got mine for dirt cheap too.
I don't understand what the big deal about Bette Davis is? I don't see the beauty that people talk about. Her eyes bother me. Her acting is OK though. That doesn't bother me.
I can't stand Danny Kaye. What is he on? His acting is always so forced for a laugh.
I don't like Ella Fitzgerald for...
i have thin hair too and the longer it gets, the thinner it seems to get. it doesn't hold any curl when it's past my shoulders. and if I pull my sides up, the hair that hangs down, looks so thin and limp. and if i don't brush my hair every 30 minutes, it looks terrible. and who has time for...
my in-laws eat out several times a week and they just moved to our city to be close to us, so we've been eating out alot in the last few weeks. i have 2 new pet peeves at restaurants: "guys". everything is "guys": "is everything ok guys", "are you guys ready to order", "can i show you guys the...
look at this website
in the 1930's column, look at "Alice White". she has a nice short hairstyle with bangs. i think a lot of us have a similar haircut. this is a good website for ideas.
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