I have that book. And I have some original Sears and other dept store catalogs from the 40's. I highly recommend buying them for research and just for having fun (and drooling) looking thru them.
You can get them on ebay.
:offtopic: 2 christmas's ago, I got all my immediate family...
i think the most comprehensive ww2 uniform book is "doughboy to GI". i think it's not published anymore so you have to find it on the secondhand market and be prepared to spend around $100. but i know that my friends who have it, love it and refer to it often. it's filled with everything that a...
a book i highly recommend for getting a sense of what it was like for women who were left behind to tend the fires..... "since you went away". it's all letters written by women. i've read it several times. you can get it on amazon.com
but there is NO easy way to study ww2 in a hurry. i've...
you should check out joanns now. they have really nice natural fiber yarns. it's not all acrylic anymore. i love the new bamboo yarns. so soft.
i agree with you though, yarn stores are amazing and i love to touch everything. but i can't afford those high prices. i wish i could though.
what i mean is this: i looked up online on how to convert a knitted pattern into a crocheted pattern. it said that for every 3 rows of knit, you do 1 row of crochet. so you only have to do 1/3 of the work to get the same results in knit. it's 1/3 faster.
i hope that makes sense.
thanks everyone. i appreciate it. i'll try to get them more together on top. i'm still not used to it, but i'm sure i will get used to it.
i just hope it's not windy this weekend. my hair is poker straight and it never holds a curl. and if it's going to be windy out, then it will fall flat on...
johanna, i can say that i'm jealous. i wish i could get away with not wearing makeup. but, when i was your age, i didn't wear foundation either. but now that i'm in my early 30s, i have to. and i have a new baby at home so i don't get much sleep, so my eyes are always dark.
i'll have to check...
joann fabrics has classes. check them out.
i love crocheting. i do it every day. i'm now making scarves to send to iraq for marines. i feel like a red cross girl of ww2. hahaha. i'm going to "knit my bit". ;)
I sat in pin curls all day so I could play with my hair tonight. I wanted to try something new.
Here is my inspiration:
Of course, I couldn't get it just right. But here is my attempt. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Seems like a lot of rolls to me. And I'm not used to having...
thanks everyone for the compliments. hearing nice things about me makes me really blush.
i got that scarf at a thrift store near me. i have quite a collection of scarves. i usually get them for $1-$3 each.
red: you should try crocheting. it's much faster than knitting. for every 3 rows of knitting, that translates into 1 row of single crochet. so it's 3 times faster.
i can crochet a scarf in about 2 hrs or so.
Johanna, I'm fair skinned too and I love your makeup/complexion.
What brand makeup do you use? I'm always in search of the perfect face makeup.
What cleanser do you use?
ps: that umbrella picture is the best. and yes, you should be on the phone with a modeling agency!
scuffy: look for me!
my best friend and her nephew will be at the HJ display (Hitler Jugend/boy scouts). If I'm not walking around socializing, I'll most likely be there hanging out with her.
Again, I'll be pushing a black stoller with a gold/black baby carrier attached to it.
OK, now everyone can see what I look like. I'm practicing some pincurls today. And I'm in a funny mood. Here is what I look like right now.
I even put on some red lipstick for ya'll. Don't you feel special now?
my friend who posted this link said she stuffed hers with extra bits of yarn. the website says to stuff with polyfill.
another girl on the forum said that making these with 100% washable wool yarn would be best because wool heats up when wet.
i know that you can get washable wool at joanns...
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