A pith is useful for yard work in the sun but even then a lighter weight straw will do better. Leave the pith to the mailman and British foreign service in India 100 years ago! And to think in another thread people were griping about how sweat suits looked bad. lol
Adam- that contrast stitch on jackets was around in the 1970s and carried over to some leisure suits. Just wait it'll all come back.:)
We all get crabby or surprised when we don't find what we're looking for as retailers change to meet new demographics. I pretty much hate to shop for...
Geez the last time I saw anyone wearing "gold ropes" was a mafioso guy on 60 Minutes in the 1970s:eek: Where the hell is anyone doing that? "Sweats" or other similar nomaclature, are comfortable casual wear for around the house. I wouldn't wear them to anything where taste was critical but...
Well us Packard owners call the post '56 cars "Packbakers" since they were actually Studebakers with the Packard name only. They lasted for 1957-58 and were gone, thankfully.
Now the Stude Golden Hawks were cool cars in their own right! I think the Packard Hawks were ugly. The Studes were...
Wow, yes perusing old publications is a time warp for sure! I have some from WW 2 and the collective "can do" national spirit leaps off the yellowed pages. The ads are such a trip too.
I grew up in St. Louis and it is full of ancient schools, building and houses in brick and frame construction. Seems like everything east of the Rockies is in a time warp. In the Southwest urban areas are renewed often. Part of it is economics, to be sure, but in L.A. you'd never see several...
We don't have to go back in time to notice variances in sizing. Every apparel company cuts their clothes a bit differently. A shirt that is marked large is tight and I'd need an x-large from one company while another company's large is great. Same goes for pants depending on the cut, rise and...
That Fay Dunaway role was chilling. You winced when she said "you used WIRE coat hangers!!??" cause you knew a beating was coming.:eek:
Sissy Spacek in Carrie was a rather evil role portrayal.
While I am no fan of conglomerate oil coprorations merging and merging into giants remember they make about 10% profit where the average manufacture, include Microsoft here, makes 30%. Part of the obscene amounts are due to the fact that the dollar amount profit is more due to the the higher...
Here is a site that will give you a basic idea of values verses condition of cars back to 1946 http://www.vmrintl.com/ Any car you are entertaining buying look on the web for places with parts. Kanter.com is in New Jersey and they are a source for things even add-on seatbelts. Go to their site...
One of my 1st jobs was at a department store restraunt in St. Louis MO. The German chef was at a camp in Missouri and liked it so well he emigrated and spent the rest of his life there.
As an afficianado of combat aircraft I used to wince at old movies and the cavalier use of improper aircraft. This was mostly due to the fact the proper enemy aircraft were unobtainable.
I truly feel that unless a 57 T-Bird is seen in movie set in the Korean War era other inaccuracies...
I'd like to interject that the auto culture we enjoy is purely American. American companies in the past times always built sturdy cars of ample size, power, and comfort for reasonable prices.
Today the interest in those cars up to about 1970-75 is huge. As a culture in most cities we travel...
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