The Sound of Drums tonight. I'm torn about John Simms--his performance was a little broad but I'm not sure if that's his fault or the fault of the script. He's a compelling actor though--sort of Kevin Spaceyish. Overall a solid episode though, exciting and it sure did move.
No need to search dear;
Stephen's so insane...
What the....?!
The first thing that popped into my head were those cave paintings at Lascaux, except in the prehistoric paintings you can actually identify the subject. Is that someone sitting on a log near the bottom of the tie?
Color me puzzled.
I felt exactly the same way about The Office--I'd have stopped watching in the middle of the first season if friends hadn't told me it got better. The writing is good but I really think it's the actors who make that show.
Colbert and Bennett were both fantastic. You saw him with Manilow...
No offense (actually, on this thread it's kind of a complement) but I think that one with the flamingos is a runner up to Bessie the cow--the red clouds of doom look particularly evil. And horses again, what's with the horses?
Lady Day, we're on the same viewing schedule--Jekyll is up next for me when I return the Season 3 Office discs. We could have great tv viewing parties if it weren't for this pesky continent between us.
I just finished disc 3 of last season of The Office--really enjoying it. Pam hugging Michael at the art show (sob!). I forgot the premier was last night (see why I end up watching everything on DVD). Darn!
Did you catch Stephen and Tony Bennett singing "Who's Got the Last Laugh?". Love...
Oh, that's a keeper!
It's like a visual primer on all the places a classy chapeau will get you--like those Victorian pictures of the wages of right living. Is that Wall Street I see there on the left?
I thought this thread was going to be about gents who had sprung for Indie's Fedora...
I love you for posting this! I think we've all been there.
When I take my hair out of the rollers it's a dead ringer for Norma Shearer's hair in her frizzy early 30's pre-George Hurrell period. After 20-30 minutes of brushing I can start to think about going out in public.
Agreed on all counts (slightly off topic, but was it Kathy Griffin who made that joke about him covering Hurricane Prada?).
I think the opposite of Cooper is Keith Olbermann who really needs to get himself to a meeting of "clashing stripes anonymous" stat.
It's a tie! It's a Rorschach test! It's a Rorschach test in a tie!
I see a big, gaping gunshot wound. I'm not sure I want to know what that interpretation says about me, though.
It wouldn't be too awful if it was just the Northern Lights background or just the cow head (well, ok, maybe it would be awful with just the cow head), but the combination of the two is pretty scary.
I'm planning to take pictures of some of my postcards for another thread so I'll try to include some of my Russian ones. They're surprisingly affordable and the quality of the graphics can be spectacular.
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