TV Movie by Pulp--I love the lyrics
Without you my life has become a hangover without end.
A movie made for TV: bad dialogue, bad acting, no interest.
Too long with no story & no sex.
Is it a kind of weakness to miss someone so much?
To wish the day would go away?
Like you did...
I was using using this one for quite a time earlier in the year Paddy, I really want the poster to this film too;
Great picture Amy Jeanne! I've not seen that one before.
That the one with John Goodman, Quigley? I always wondered about that version since I generally really like Goodman (His appearance in The Big Lebowski made me forgive him for participating in the truly abominable Frosty Returns)
I was flipping through the channels last night and found...
Thanks for the reports girls. It makes sense from a conservation viewpoint that they don't allow photography but there's always so many details I notice in person that I want to immortalize. I tried to take photos with no flash at the Poiret exhibit this Spring (that was allowed there by the...
These aren't really vintagey but I found them while I was looking at the vintagey Jeffrey Campbell selection (inspired by Vintage Betty's fabulous shoes on another thread). I'd buy them in a second if they had better heels.
(Superimposed caption: 'FLOWER ARRANGEMENT'
Pull back to show Gumby in studio with piles of flowers on a table.
Superimposed caption: 'INTRODUCED BY D. P. GUMBY')
Gumby: Good evening. First take a bunch of flowers. (he grabs the flowers from the table) Pretty begonias, irises, freesias and...
Yes, it's time for another entry in "ImOldFashioned's black dresses with lovely details that don't photograph!"
Went out to various venues (including a bookstore, seen here) with some friends tonight and wore a late 50's/early 60's wiggle dress with a black velvet bow and black velvet...
(sings) "Which of these things/Is not like the other?/Which one is it?/Do you know?"
You look great Dinerman--love the sound of the Doctor of Vet. tie clip
What a great thread! I change my desktop image every couple weeks or so--the non-vintage Stephen Colbert currently resides there. Colbert did a parody of the Good Night and Good Luck movie poster that's kind of vintage--I should change it to that picture.
Love all the Hopper images--he's fab.
Isn't that an oxymoron?
I loved SJP in Square Pegs (put that on DVD powers that be!) but I'm mystified by her recent popularity. She also stars in two of my least favorite commercials of all time.
Covet--I don't mean to be cruel but watching this I can't think of anything but a rabid...
Stuff in my purse, hmm. Well, I've only recently begun to use an actual purse--I used to carry a big semi-messenger bag--but my disorganization is the same regardless of the container.
Items currently in residence include:
Keys on a bunny key ring
My ancient ipod with headphones...
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