Homo Sapiens are a violent species. I say this unashamedly because there is no way to change parts of which make up a species. A frog cannot and should not apologize for being aquatic.
From the time our proto-human ancestors were around evidence has supported our rather violent nature. Is...
Scientists and researchers are not futurists. They have no business projecting what society will be like in the future. They should simply do what they do and allow their products and discoveries to be marketed and applied as necessary when and if they are profitable and economically feasible.
For some of the reasons in the article and for the way they dismantled and cleaned the "crime scene" rapidly and thotoughly after his death I've always believed Hess was murdered.
I think some of those involved were simply weary of prolonging WW II-era sensibilities any longer.
In Bel Air/Hollywood we have old homes of movie stars, mansions really, since they command prices in the 5 million and up range. While there could be an occassional one that is razed the vast majority as soundly being used as domiciles for the wealthy.
But in Belmont Shore near Long Beach...
Neat site! Especially like my hometown St. Louis stuff. One thing for certain is there are all sorts of small and esoteric sites and forums out there where folks post old pics. There are probably too many to list and I've often found them while looking for something else.
Probably wouldn't...
Well this vessel may be a lucky one if it gets taken care of but the sad truth is that there are many veteran WW II boats of various types decaying that have actual combat histories of consequence.
Just remember the yahoo that ran the US Patent Office in 1900 decided that it should close because everything possible had already been invented!!!!:eusa_doh: :rolleyes:
There is simply nothing more unfair about life than losing a pet companion. I'm sure most of us have suffered the event but none of us know exactly how you feel about your friend in particular.
After all is said and done he knows you loved him and you know he loved you and you can't ask...
Do your self a favor before you see these 2. Go to Netflix and get Death Wish before viewing Death Sentence and you'll see the similarities- same guy wrote both novels.
Then get Ms .45 before watching The Brave One and you'll see a good female vigilante scenario from 1981.;)
Just curious but in So. Cal. AM radio remains full of talk formats and mostly low class Mexican music. I can see the same slowly happening to FM as well. How is it where you are?[huh]
The fact that our society can afford to dally in reburbishing old buildings is only as strong as we are rich.
I like So. Cal. in that there is little that is truly worth preserving. Building here has always been lighter due to good weather. This lends for easy demolition. Stucco and 2 X...
As you mention Tomasso, saving some old building can exceed the cost per sq. ft. of building new. We need to rebuild, restore, retro-fit, strengthen and maintain old buildings. It simply comes down to cost as does everything.
We must decide if we want to produce a usefull space or one...
The weather balloon spin was never applied during the time following the event, only later in retrospect such as 1947 and on. The government had nothing to cover up in 1942 so there was no disinformation campaign to ridicule witnesses to strange aerial events.
From 1947 on the weather...
Germany's economy was in the toilet long before 1929's Wall St. crapped out.
Most here are knowledgeable enough to realize that single, simplistic events aren't the "cause" for war or economic upheaval. There are a vast number of things that are borne from synchronicity which combine to...
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