Sean Connery in the era films like Dr. No and From Russia with Love made an impression on me when I 1st saw them back then. The natty narrow lapels, ties and hat brims to match!:) Well it looked right back in the 60s[huh]
I saw someone with a straw on backwards last summer at a big outdoor event. Like others you kinds want to tell them but don't want to embassass them either.[huh]
Flags of our Fathers- reinforced what I already know, that everyone back then was sick of war and faced the horriffic invasion of Japan which would have taken a great toll of casualties.:(
While I can't think of titles, since they were so forgetable, yes there were some agverage to well below averag movies from the era. Back in the 1950s I saw a lot of movies of the era in theaters and older ones on the Late Show on TV.
The sci-fi films of the time were pretty sad/bad. Some...
Foofoo- I've seen the online feedback from other customers before, after I've done a search for "store closest to me." It was relatively the same as I collectively found, some stores sounded worse than others.
I can't say whether Circuit City is far better or not. The last time I was in one...
You may not find true vintage at thrift stores but many are similar in style and pattern. Besides if you truly like Hawaiian it's the comfort factor that outweighs vintage-ness for me.
Since I'm not wearing suits any more I tend to relate to Howard Hughes. fedora, OK. Leather or waist-hugger jacket. Non-outstanding slacks. Plain, simple but works for me.
I agree Poetman, Hitchcock movies have to be seen years apart for me to get into them each time. It's the forgetting of little details that surprise you that make them like new again.
Rear Window is one of the most copied films ever in it basic theme of witnessing a crime.
MLK- That Llama .45. I've never had ahold of one of those and been curious. How do you like it? Have you shot it much? Accurate? Trustworthy?
P.S. And a perfect illustration of a thread that has gone 7,600+ reads over 6 months with no waves almost gets closed due to someone who can't resist...
Oh just part of the ongoing saga of what is best described as complications from something else bringing on other maladies in the "plumbing dept."- nicest way to put it in mixed company:D
I'm thankful for calendars so we know when to party.
They'd simply do what is required to make any game playable. I used to take exception with combat filight simulation fans about "realism" when they were sitting on an office chair peering into a myopic CRT and using a plastic joystick! All that is "real" in any of it is some of the historical...
The unfunny reverse of that is when you get a Christmas card back from someone you don't communicate with often to find the post office has stamped deceased on it.:(
Only once was I actually satisfactorily assisted in a Best Buy. The kid was probably a videophile and actually knew something. rest of the time its vague gestures to where something might be, ignoring by talking to co-workers. never one when something was out did anyone bother to see if...
Surely-Hehehe! See how utterly difficult it is to convey by the written word a point of view or brief explanation.....the misunderstanding and need to re-emphasize the same things in different words so some one who didn't can now understand?:D
It's quite simple really but it has taken 10...
It it was right after dinner I assume you were not already in your PJs so you must have been dressed in something right? Why was what you had no not acceptable? Did you actually change clothes or just stick your feet in shoes?
You must realize how fast smoke followed by fire consumes...
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