I have jus bought a couple of Stratton lipstick compacts, the kind where there is a tiny attached mirror and a tube for your lipstick pops out when you lift up the mirror. The problem is that modern lipsticks are all too big to fit into the tube!
Can anyone reccomend a lipstick small enough to...
Best: Good at seeing the Big Picture. Optimistic. Good at problem solving. Loyal. Can be good fun if a little goofy sometimes. Hard working and very dedicated when I get my teeth into things.
Bad: Not good with details. Lazy. Nearly always late. Quite a short fuse (esp with my own kids...
Halloween - of course! Actually, anything early John Carpenter. Also the original of The Haunting or the TV version of The Lady in Black (although that hasn't been on in ages), sometimes you just want a really good ghost story rather than a visceral horror.
And with the kids - The Nightmare...
I was out on a girls night out last night (at probably the worst club in the universe, we had a fab time, naturally!), and in the pub a girl stopped me and said I looked like a 'fly-girl - one of those girls who used to deliver Spitfires', which I thought was lovely.
Then late on at the...
Night Watch, Russian fantasy/horror. An odd film, like channel surfing several different films at once. I'm not sure if I liked it or not but the use of subtitles (changing colour, swirling around characters, etc) was great. The book made (slightly) more sense!
How did you do in the end wahine? If you haven't sewn the straps on my advice (as an ex shoe fitter!) is to avoid heel grips when shoes are too loose as they just push your toes further forward, usually causing bruising sooner or later (I have done this in the past) and also stretch the heel...
I think it's a very northern English thing. At one time I knew several Andy's, including Gay Andy and Bandy Andy (in a band, obviously!). It's all in the context, and in this particular context it wasn't meant to be offensive and wasn't taken in that way by the people concerned, it's just one of...
Funnily enough, in my neck of the woods people get called all sorts of names like 'gay Michael', but it's not necessarily meant in an offensive way, it's just a way of differentiating between all the other Michaels. So you get 'Fat Tony', etc.
In a club many years ago I nudged my friend and...
I'm enjoying Downton Abbey, although NOT enjoying all the ad breaks - one minute of ads for each 3 minutes of Downton! I end up pausing, making a cuppa, then fast forwarding through them, very annoying.
Actually, IMO the truest interpretation of the nature of those characters as written was the most recent BBC adaptation. Yes, it reset the stories in early twenty-first century London, but nonetheless the actual personalities of the two men and their relationship to each other was beautifully...
The thing is, I don't suffer from eczma although I do have naturally dry skin and hair. I think this is all the fallout from my weird allergy to that cellulose paint/thinners, etc. I'm assuming it'll settle down over the next couple of weeks as my skin naturally sheds and renews.
I fancy trying...
Thanks for all the ideas, I really like the sound of the scrubs you suggested sheeplady.
I have just tried olive oil + lavender oil, massaged in, bag over, then under the dryer. Although I massaged shampoo into my scalp before I wet my hair to get it out it's been a bit of a nightmare, mainly...
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