You help is require with the finishing touches for two 1950's outfits.
I know the ladies here has a lot of expertises in the 50's I now need a few suggestion as to add the finishing touches to these two outfits.
Is there any thing which stand out as been wrong apart from a depart need for a...
What you got to remember ladies did not change the wardrode over night becuse it was the twenties they grew into the look gradually, sounds like that what your also doing. and takes a few guts also today to take on the 20's styles .
Well done with your hair and hope you enjoy the new style.
:offtopic: (or near ) If any of the ladies here who Blog and would like a link to your blog from my site please contact me by pm with the blog name address, my page has revved over 3,000 visitors since it's re design at the start of the month.
There are a lot of modern fashion which have a 20's look to them and can be combined into outfits, shoes at the momnet stand out for me as been able to do that well.
It's a great period and more feminine than most give credit to
A few years ago started a small item about smoking in the 20's and before for ladies, It all got a little confusing separating out clear facts from speculation which could be bias one way or the other.
so I
The way I see it today is not so different from LizzieMaine.
From what I can work...
Thank you for all very much for your thought I will print this off and have a play around with your suggestions shortly i.e when not one around.
I coming around to been a blonde, I had that wig for a couple of years and it's never really worked until now for me
Hi every one!
I trying to work out the right eye shadow shade to widern my eyes a little, they naturally dark green and come over very very dark in a photo making my eyes too really small , I been wereing pinka and greys, I do not like Blue as I feel it's very 70's maybe that's just me.
There always a slight time delay for me between buying an item and been able to photograph it as worn so here is a update.
The vintage jacket is teamed up with either a modern skirt or trousers
Too true Mojito
The only other thing I could suggest would be to take a set of photos showing the details of the dress and put them on the web somewhere so people could see your item and also others might follow with items that are past repair, making a sort of visual reference libary for...
I am sorry, I was using the word Addiction in a very loose sense. It's not not my intention to stray off topic too much or upset any one.
Just in my personal opinion addiction can work in different ways not always just about substance dependence .
These look like a full strength cigarette to me, When I stated smoking it took me a relative long time to stop been light headed and as you only smoke very occationally you might me a little more adicted than you might think, clearly have a very strong will power. that depend I image how much...
Meeting Gman it is a very good start, 20's makup is not easy to get right.
I think it's just a matter of building up your confidence in bothe doing it and and also wearing it.
I think the shade of lips stick needs to be a little bolder, I do think your got a great 20's look in the making and...
Black Dahlia that's a blast from the past:- the glasses I cetain we had some with the same design the center one that's going back to my child hood.
great finds!
Thank you, I like it makes a change from Red and Black for me.
Every time I get something with a label and New York I can never find anything out, there must have been a lot of fashion houses who did not last very long in New York.
Yes your are right in little circle more than blending it in. it was a red shade, which you cannot get in a blusher today, I have used lipstick to try a re create the look.
And the original blusher is evil stuff more like powder paint as it stains something rotten on material.
hi Cherry Berlin
I Reconize your name not sure from where maybe Myspace, I also live in yorkshire ( North) any how you could try You tube.
I just dug this out also
personal blog on finger waves
I agree with swinggal they are hard and that's why there maybe a lot about...
Not often I have any thing to post here these days here it is
A jacket which has been dated as been late 40's
It is by Kay Brooke of New York , I would very much like to know if any of you have come across her before.
I do not think I have any thing constructive to add as it all seams to be covered, maybe you got to be a little careful about the shades you use.
strangle what i seen they seam to be a lot brighter then present and for powder a lot more pale then you think.
It is a very interesting thread to...
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