Taxes have recently been dramatically trumped up for packages you receive from the US? :eeek: I sell a small 25 dollar item occasionally to buyers in the UK. It turns out that customs charges are something like 12.36 pounds. Almost as much as the item costs! And I get threats of negative...
So ya'll mean to imply,..that if I was to buy those disgusting, scroungy, runned-over old hats I always pass on at my local antiques mall, I could sell them for huge profits because there's a real market for that sort of thing??
Does anyone have any experience with black and white infrared film? I just purchased a roll of the Ilford ASA 200 stuff to use for photos of some 18th and 19th century paintings I own. Infrared might just reveal a signature or some other clues as to who the authors of some apparently unsigned...
We had a special cartoon time at my school in 2nd and 3rd grades as I recall. After lunch, each kid could pay a nickle to see a couple of cartoons in the auditorium one day each week. was the high point of my school week to see a Disney or Warner Bros. toon at school. :D Much better than those...
Wholeheartedly agreed! That one is so bad it doesn't even enter the realm of bad movies that are so bad they become comedy classics. Lauded and acclaimed for what?? Probably because John Travolta was in it, nothing more.
I give most anything a chance, even if I've hated a particular director's or cast members' other efforts. For instance, I'm no fan of Tom Cruise, but I really liked "Valkyrie". I like Kubric films in general, but not all of them. "Full Metal Jacket" was excellent, "The Shining" ,...ehn, just...
Good analysis of Lifeboat Worf. Makes me want to watch it. I only saw parts of it a long time ago when it was on TV. I was just a kid and missed all the subtleties of the plot.
Gangster Squad. It was ok, but could have been much better. Sean Penn as the bad guy boss,..ehm, [huh]
I would have cast maybe Jack Nicholson in that part. I probably would have cast the entire movie differently come to think of it. None of the actors were really able to pull off the corny...
Have you tried, "Of Mice and Men" ? It's a short book really, but very thought provoking. A true classic about how people are really not quite what they might seem to be on the surface. Takes only a few hours to read at most. Can be read in one evening.
I live in a somewhat small town, compared to most I think. So I know the people at the post office and if the rare instance of a problem comes up, I just ask them directly. Like many others here, I have used the USPS for most all of my ebay transactions without a problem. Only one was because...
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