Stargate. Thoroughly dreadful film really, and I'd forgotten just how wretched it was. shakeshead
The concept however is cool, so this is one that needs to be remade. With a real screenplay, a better cast, and a decent director it could have been great.
Ahh,..ok. I getya. Naptha was referred to as gas back then. I've actually used it to clean a hat once myself. Worked quite well except that it caused the old embroidered silk liner in the hat to shatter. Got all the dirt and hair products out though without harming the felt or the sweatband.
Could this be a record for ebay?? :eeek:
I honestly can't believe this is real though. The paper used in comics and most periodicals of the day (and even more recently) was just wood pulp digested with...
Gasoline?! really? That sounds a bit harsh, but I know they used to use it in some dry cleaning processes. I recently accidentally doused myself with gas at the pump when gassing my car up. Some dope left the nozzle latched open and the gas just came pouring out before I could get it into the...
Now which one of you outbid me on this?! :eusa_doh:
I've got one of those old manual models myself. Works great and has for the last 85 years or so, and will probably work for another 85 or more. :D Gotta watch the toast like a hawk though because once you start to smell it, it's pretty much too late.
I had the most unpleasant experience of having to drive a big green Dodge van for a place that I worked for briefly in the 70's. I still have nightmares! :eeek:
I'm German and French on my mom's side. Ancestors there hail from Alsace Lorraine mostly I think. Then on Dad's side it's Bohemian and Irish. The Irish landing in Baltimore sometime before the civil war and making their way through Virginia to eventually settle in what is now West Virginia...
The Power of Few. :eusa_clap Excellent flick about horrific events that could happen in the lives of a few completely unrelated people, if not for the power of few. See it and you'll understand my cryptic explanation.
I've been thinking of getting me a pair of those too. They look awesome and I have had great luck with Wolverine shoes in the past. Price was the objection and quelled my desire with the 1,000 milers, but now I think I must bite the proverbial bullet and just get me some. Thanks for the review...
I just got this Shefield steel "stag's" foot handled beauty.
In great shape for it's age with a couple of small areas where the hair is scuffed off and a nice patina on the brass parts and overall.
I would estimate it to be perhaps 50 or 60 years old? Can't be certain,.. [huh]...
That is an interesting parka for sure. I've never seen the like of it myself. If not for the modern zippers and buttons, I might think it was native made Inuit.
My uncle served in Alaska during the second world war. I wish I had his equipment, but my mom told me that he likely just ditched it...
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