LOTS of knives and assorted cutlery are being made in Pakistan these days. Particularly knives made of "Damascus steel" that I've been seeing a lot. I'm leary of it myself because of the cheap prices, although some of their stuff looks good on the surface. I think that real Damascus steel would...
i just snagged this vintage Solingen http://www.ebay.com/itm/251581034648?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 for a mere pittance, (after applying my ebay bucks thing). Looks to be 1960's or perhaps 1950's vintage? in any case, I love the antler handle and the hand guard/pommel...
maybe it's still considered "odd" by a lot of people if one is less talkative than they are? I work in a frame shop days, on my own time I have always been an artist. My art is very precise and detailed, and I am very precise and detailed in all the jobs I've had in the last 20 years or so...
I would say 1970s. I had one myself actually. Mine was a "Buckboard" brand, dark brown suede with a rayon or nylon lining. Long fringe along the top and short along the bottom edge like yours, and if I recall correctly side slash pockets also.
Thanks for the links gentlemen.
Your avatar Renault is a cute little rascal by the way. My mom adopted 4 of them back in the 80s, 2 boys and 2 girls, and raised them as her own. :D
They're fun when they're little, sort of like a cross between a kitten, a puppy, and a monkey or something...
Yeah the first installment was better, but machine guns and explosions are always great fun though. :D
I'll go see number 3 with a girlfriend. I'm sure it will be a fun movie too.
The beard looks to be tapered from the bottom up, tapered into the sides to the hair, which is tapered in the opposite direction like any good haircut. Makes for an aesthetically balanced overall look. Good grooming on all fronts so to speak.
This thread has inspired me to procure a few nice high end knives, a high quality knife (or two, or three,...etc.) is a great tool to have for sure.
I've got my eye on both a Mora Bushcraft, in stainless if I can find one that is NOT done up in those horrid, tacky foofoo designer colors that...
I don't mind the Gallo reds. Not bad for the price. The burgundy is a bit stronger to me than their other reds. Robert Mondavi also has some decent reds, not prone to having a "bitey" finish like so many less expensive wines can have.
I recall seeing a cloth jacket or two also. I think with a mouton collar, (type B 10?) but I'm not certain. Also what appears to be many B3 type jackets in some of the photos of the pilots.
I think I'll use what might be the second logo design. It's a fiercer looking tiger flying downward...
Most of the original Flying Tigers wore the M422 jacket if I'm not mistaken? Being Marine Corps or US Navy pilots. I've got a decent copy that I intend to paint up in a Flying Tigers theme. I love the later 14th air force tiger logo though. The earlier Disney logo just looks too cartoonish to me...
Lawless. Pretty good 1930's bootlegger flick. I always appreciate a good gangster or world war 2 flick if I can find them as there aren't many really good ones to choose from.
Yeah I agree. Brad Pitt's been in a good many really good movies. No matter what the tabloids would have us believe, he seems like a stand up guy, and his acting is usually more than adequate if the script and production values are good. I'll watch this one.
Just wandering around the internet, and stumbled upon this. A rather cool flight simulator. I want one. :D
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