I suggest buying one at a time :-) - that way you'll get a sense what brim size will work best with your face and can adjust on the second hat if desired.
That could well be - I've not seen Akubra's Graphite Gray. However I recommend not relying on web pictures of single hats alone -- colors...
I think that is 4.12" bashed down in that round shape they have? You might email and ask what it is open crown. Since it's used to make an Indy, I'd suspect it's at least 5 1/2"
I think the crown on the Squatter is pretty tall (open bash), isn't it? But I hear ya on the "not an indy" and darker gray front.
Would one of these work?
Would the Squatter in Steel Gray work? This is the hat they call the "Indiana Jones" on AussieBushhats.com.au (which is where I buy my Akubras - great service).
I think this is a good route - especially since once it comes (and the movie is out) you may say "wow, this is just like what's on-screen, I don't want to touch it".
And if it doesn't quite suite you, you can of course rebash. The only trick I've had is with moving the very sharp pinch at the...
Marc Kitter is "the other half" of Adventurebilt.
I'm not sure of the exact history, but he and Steve Delk are good pals, and learned and shared a lot while learning to make hats, and eventually teamed up sometime after Steve had launched Adventurebilt.
Thanks Tom! I really do need to take some more pictures of myself in more hats and post them.
About the clock: would be you believe it's a modern clock radio?
I found it while looking for a Moonbeam reproduction for my wife, and just had...
Thanks Douglas :). I was worried that this might be embarassing, so thank you so much for taking it so well. It really is meant as a "tip of my hat" to you, absolutely not to make fun of your expression. In fact it was your consistency that made me think "hmm.. this might be interesting to try"...
Not to long, perhaps an hour to an hour and a half. And that was while helping my son on occasion with a lego project :). I did them all at full resolution, so I have that saved away. I only shrunk it down as much as I did because I didn't think people would want to load a 5 meg gif in their...
Morphing is quite a bit more labor intensive - you have to designate a couple dozen points on the source and destination image for the software to know what should morph to where. Doing that for 60+ hats would take me days - at least with the morphing software I have.
But... I'll do one just...
You know, I am *DYING* to see his hat room. And he *must* have a room devoted, if not a warehouse ;)
Making the animated gif was quite fun - I had to scale, rotate and align all the images - I based it all on getting both eyes in the same spot in each frame. Which was a challange at times in...
... but one remarkably consistent expression ;)
And well, maybe not 100 hats. But WAY more than I. Can you tell I'm jealous?
I don't know why this idea popped into my head, but once it did I knew it had to be done.
So with no further adieu, heeeeere's Douglas!
(it might take a...
Thanks for naming them - Absolutely wonderful collection. I'm particularly enamoured by the cream colored (?) Borsalino. Very yummy.
IndyCop: I keep my hats out in the open, I've only been collecting for 3 years or so, no problems yet - knock on wood. It might have to do with the fact that...
Rick, I LOVE THIS HAT! Very nicely shaped. It has a lot of character.
What color would you call that? It looks sort of "light pumpkin" - is that just th lighting?
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