Thanks for all your replies Girls, makes me feel less weird.
I'm also looking forward to having a room all for myself that i can indulge all my girlieness in. I have promiced the hubie that he can decorate his room any way he wants and fill it up with DR WHo toys! (he's 43!)
I have come to the conculsion that I absolutly can't share a bed with anyone. I am an extreamly light sleeper and the sound of somone elses breathing, their movement and if i roll over and touch them it wakes me up. Even as a child I would never wish to sleep in my parents bed like some children...
I know what you mean- he scared me- it was that wolfish grin and the stringy hair- ugh! Apparently 'Bob' was working as a set-dresser on the show at the time (but was also an aspiring actor).
Just did some digging about on t'interweb and found out that for this kind of measurement we are looking at BUST measurement where the tape passses around the fullest part of the bust rather than chest or ribcage measurement where the tape passes under the bust- that makes all the difference.
My sister (who's a bit odd.. but lovely) gave me a photo of her underarm for my birthday....she'd stoped shaving for a few months and it looked like a little furry animal nested there. Maybe we should all take leaf out of her book...or maybe not.
Puzzicato- we seem to be in agreement on things today! i loved Aydrey Horne too.
I got the gold edition box set of Twin Peaks a while back- it's such a pity they cancelled the show as David Lynch & Mark Frost had loads of ideas left and they had ball making the show. I did'nt...
I used to think that an hourglass figure was the same chest measurement as hips but a tailor explained to me that an hourglass is more that the "shoulders should balance the hips"
I have a smaller chest than my hips but my shoulders balance it. - I'm usually 32, 22, 36.5 (5 foot tall) so you...
I've never had a professional shaping- I don't trust them to do as good as job as I can!.
I tweeze and I use the small head on my epilator to tidy any blond hairs underneath and in the middle. I have light brown brows and black hair so I dye them with regular permanent hair dye and a...
Exactly the same for me- but replace Hippie with Beatnik. Before she got into that style my Mum was a 'traditional' girl and had a middy cut, wore bullet bras, petticoats, girdles and stockings and is so much happier to not have to wear those things anymore- she can't understand why i like them...
Thought I'd add my 2 cents here if anyone doesn't mind :)
I'm absolutly convinced that in years to come the hormonal pill will be banned because I'm sure it's got health consequences that we don't realise yet.
Emotional/ weight / libido problems:
I first went on the pill at 15 for my...
Hi Jasmine, It's nice to meet another local on here. I'm actually a Wirralian but i work at the Albert Dock. I'm planning to visit the Granny sallon that is at the end of my street- i figure they should know how to cut a middy there!
I get in-growing hairs on my Bikini area, sometimes they are just visable growing beneath the skin, sometimes they are red and painful. I usually end up digging them out with tweesers- pulling bits of flesh out in the effort or slicing my skin open with a piercing needle. I am now covered in...
I'd love to wear a petticoat but at 5 foot nothing tall I would look like a doll.
I used to have a petticoat when I was about 10 years old and my dance class were doing two 50's dances for the Xmas show- Rock around the clock and Great Balls of Fire- and i loved the way it swished- i never...
I like her, I don't think that facially she is that pretty- especially her mouth and lower face area, but she does have nice hair. Her outfits swing between frump and hooker though, with some highlights along the way.
I think she has some deep seated personal issues perhaps stemming from her...
Hi Scarlet- out of interest what did the lady in the drugstore suggest that was free from petrochemicals? As far as I can tell every brand of skincare I look at - cheap and expensive have pertrolinuem, mineral oil or paffarinium listed as one of the top two ingrediants!
I got my Witchhazel form Boots in the First Aid isle- the type used for cuts and grazes. The stuff in the beauty isle has all sorts of extra stuff in it and costs more. Fleur has also mentioned getting hers for 99p in Sainsburys.
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