Back to the Future (1985) Caught the last half on TNT or some other cable network . . . I was really touched by the depth of the friendship between Marty and Doc and I had forgotten how much fun that I had watching that in the theater when it was released. The only knock I would have is the...
I read a review of Silence that pointed out that they felt that it was a treatsie on how women were treated (or how isolated they felt) working in a male dominated career field like the FBI. I re-watched it from that perspective and found it to be a different movie altogether. Clarice is...
Modern Family "Halloween Four: The Revenge of Rod Skyhook" (I dvr'd it). The series continues to be both clever and funny. I get at least one genuine laugh per episode, and I consider myself a tough audience.
The most enjoyable part of some of my trips with my wife have been when we've had to take a ferry. Two of the best: Port Angles, WA to Victoria, British Columbia. We stayed at a small European style hotel over a restaurant, took the early departure and pulled into the harbor in Victoria (the...
Glad to see a mention of cordovan. I have a niece who is an attorney and requested a briefcase or attache in that color. Her reasoning was that it would be appropriate with whatever color of business attire that she wore. And she was right, she uses it almost daily and she always looks great...
One reviewer stated something to the effect: "I could have eaten film and puked a better movie". Again, Blair Witch had a gimmick; they were one of the first to really utilize the internet for advertising and there were "rumors" that the film really was lost footage.
The Artist (2011) drew a lot of attention upon release, but I don't hear it named-checked very often nowadays. A black and white silent film in 2011 was a pretty unique item so there was plenty of attention, but there are Chaplin films (among others) that worked much better within that format...
I actually did consider mentioning that scene, but I thought it might undermine the high-minded approach I was striving for. But, yeah, that was pretty great . . .
Like Paper Moon, most of the noise was about the real life father/daughter connection. Some movies have a "hook" that has nothing to do with what's on the screen. I remember watching Pond way too many times when HBO first got the rights, but I have not seen it since which means that I really...
I had a Lee Storm Rider, blanket lined, that I wore forever. Levi's and other brands have always been too tight across the shoulders unless they were too oversized for me. Nowdays I wear longer cut corduroy jackets for fall weather.
I have always been told to buy items because you like or enjoy them, not for solely for investment value. This seems particularly true with a car which you can spend thousands on modifying/restoring and only recoup a fraction of your money. There are plenty of reference sites or books that...
I remember the Hi-Low beam switch being on the floor of the car near the driver's left side. They used to jam up with snow or ice in colder areas (car heaters weren't what they are now). I don't miss those, but I would like to see the return of the wing window.
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