I've found x-mas is a good time to get stuff sent from the States to the UK. The PO is just to busy to levy charges.
If it comes by courier you will almost always be billed as they are much more efficient.
Try rotating horizontal and see what happens. Photobucket have introduced a new interface which may have bugs. I certainly don't like it.
The other thing is have you set your camera to auto rotate images ?
I was just going to post mr Plumbline is a 42 S not R and your pics demonstrate that !
I'll bet my jacket collection the arms are again to long, but only slightly this time, because the shoulders square up perfectly.
Plus USN jackets need the correct tension on the elastic straps. To tight and the inner pleat is pulled in causing unsightly gaping.
The back panel also needs to be cut trim. To large and the wearer is going to find it getting snagged on door frames etc. as well as looking like
some dreadful...
Victorian tweed shooting jackets had swingbacks to facilitate arm movement so it is a little bit strange that pilots in the USAAF had to put up with the restrictive design of the A2.
The USN boys got the luxury of under arm gussets and elastic strapped bi-swings !
Well, the facts are two of the names you mention have been caught shilling under false names in other forums. People in the clothing business just can't seem to resist it !
In the days before the easy to use spell checker, Ken's persistent pattern of spelling mistakes gave the game away...
Would you buy an ugly jacket because it was well made ?
Most people rate aesthetics/design first and then quality. People are attracted by appearance and brand marketing. If the quality stacks up they will buy.
Whilst it's true full grain is a better grade and more expensive, when it comes to horsehide it's largely irrelevant. The horsegate saga currently running in the EU threw up some interesting facts. A horse from an equestrian or work back-ground has no value. Treated with things like bute it...
Made by LW ....LOL. The label says made in the United Kingdom.
Aero probably made it for one of their Japanese commercial clients in the 1990's. I was in Tokyo in 2000 and there were lots of outlets selling stuff made by Aero some of which was unique to that market.
I wouldn't be surprised if processed meat from Mexico contains default.
BTW. US produced meat is banned in the EU and elsewhere because it contains growth hormones.
You couldn't be more wrong. Read the second paragraph
As for Nissan, they made 460,000 cars in their Sunderland factory. The best selling Qashqai was designed at the Nissan European design HQ in London. It...
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