ooh, those first ones are cute! i was just there last week but didn't see them. i'll be back today though, since 2 of the 5 pairs of panties i bought were flawed when i got them home. :mad: store credit!!!
they're well-made, by a small business, and they don't make a ton of them. thus the price goes up! i've had one of my pairs for about 6 years though, and they still look fantastic. maybe save up for one pair and see what you think!
dolly, i rarely have the patience for pincurls either. however, curling iron curls last for about.... 5 minutes in my hair! i usually use hotsticks, which if i use a little setting lotion i can get two days out of if it's not damp or raining. i've gotten up to 4 from a pincurl set before though...
hannah, i'm growing out bangs and have had trouble doing the faux-bangs with two different lengths. did you roll your bangs separate from the longer hair? or together on the same rollers? sorry if this makes no sense... i've been wanting to learn to do a faux-bang so i don't miss having bangs...
alright everyone.... i went and talked to the local hardware store lady, and she told me to just wash it down with a damp rag with a tiny bit of detergent, and go from there. so i did, and then i just used some Old English lemon oil i had laying around. i am THRILLED with the results!! except...
neat! unfortunately i don't have anything to donate to your cause! i see kitchen stuff with the paint chipping quite often, but i don't buy it because i'm too paranoid to use it. if i see anything for super-cheap in the near future, i'll pick it up to donate to your cause - it should be ok for...
i'm sorry, but i really hate the phrase "just a stupid girl". you're not, you know it, so stop acting like it! why not just say, "this is something i don't know much about but would like to learn more. here are my questions, and i'm willing to listen to your answers." people will probably take...
here is her troupe's myspace page. you could start by looking through the friends, maybe she's in there! if not, you could message the troupe and explain you have pics you'd like to share with her :)
my dad is really happy with his easyshare. but until i have my own paparazzi or personal photographer to follow me around, i really need something less bulky ;) thanks for the suggestion!
wow, that looks great for my needs. i'm not trying to do high-quality art photography... just want my snapshots to look good! wow, it has a pet mode?! oh, the cat will be thrilled.
but the question remains.... will it do mirror-shots? :D
this will definitely be going on my list of...
i've finally managed to get my ex-boyfriend to pay me back for my camera that he broke, and so i'm in the market for a new one! i have some specific things in mind - can anyone think of the perfect camera (for me)??
- price: $250 or under, preferaby. will pay up to $300 for something...
GREEN AND WHITE?!?!?!?! oooooh!
mine are Willits brand. they're school shoes, but are exactly like old ones. the payless shoes look pretty inauthentic, in my snobby-arse opinion ;)
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