You have to look at it from their point of view. Their lives had been pretty chaotic. Growing up in the Depression, and then having to fight a horrible war that was as much a life and death struggle against true evil that mankind had ever faced. I tend to chastise my dad for not taking advantage...
Something that I truly wish had never been developed: radio and television commercials that employ the phrases, "....all of your favorite [whatever]" or "...your friends at [business name here]."
They don't know me...they have no clue as to what my favorite anything is, and they most...
When I was a kid I sang in a men and boy's choir directed by the real life Father O'Malley- the man who was the prototype for Crosby's character in "Going My Way" and "The Bells of St. Mary's." (The real life guy was as far removed from the lovable Crosby character as could be imagined: an...
Both tears my heart and enrages me to no end when I read this sort of thing. I've always felt that it's a father's job to let his daughter know that, in at least one man's eyes, she's his princess. (Maybe I saw that damn Shirley Temple movie, with her being mistreated when the schoolmistress...
On the other hand, all of those forms of action at common law (per Maitland) that some of us had to memorize ad nauseam in First Year might actually have some practical application. And think of all of the great legal minds (Learned Hand, Cardozo, Pound) who were very much alive at the time. Not...
We've spent countless billions on a failed "war on drugs" over the last decades, and the fruits of our labor include the highest incarceration rate of any nation in the world. The potential for corruption among law enforcement officials who deal with drug cases has been demonstrated in scandal...
That is, as I noted earlier, the tragedy these days: it's becoming more and more unaffordable to the kid who is willing to work had and put his or her way through college.
My parents wanted to micro-manage my higher education, so I essentially told them to take their money and shove it where...
There comes a point in these matters where it has to be conceded that anecdotal accounts arising out of personal experiences only have limited merit when determining broader social policy. "Uncle Willy was a souse who never provided for his wife and kids," and "Cousin Pete was a pothead who...
The part that frightens me is that obtaining a higher education is becoming less and less of an affordable option- even for the ambitious kid who doesn't have a check writing Popsie and Mumsie but is still willing to work their way through college, and forgo the immediate gratifications of...
I know that, in my family, the men were usually the better tippers. Most of the women would leave at the minimum 15%, but the men usually were good for 20%. My grandfather had the opinion that there was nothing in the world worse than a cheapskate- unless, of course, it was a union busting scab...
The never ending argument in my house: my dear wife always wants to fly, and I prefer to take the train- even if it takes days to cross the country on Amtrak. I never want to ride coach on the train, so it's always either business class for day trips and a roomette or bedroom for overnight...
That pretty much says it for me as well. It's one subject upon which I make no pretense at rational discussion: I've seen too many die decades before their time because of smoking. And to expose a child to second hand smoke is nothing but child abuse.
Being an attorney at any time in Chicago would have been interesting: depending upon how much prior to World War II we're talking about, I could have been a contemporary of Clarence Darrow.
But if I could rub the lamp and get any job of that era, put me in the right hand seat of a large steam...
Perhaps, the older I get, the more cynical I become, but..
I've come to the conclusion that church services are, essentially, theatrical productions. Therefore, I dress accordingly. I'm more inclined to "dressing down" to watch a local Rev. Billy Bob scream his Amens and Hallalujahs from the...
I was on vacation dealing with my wife's iPad and thus could not reply when I read this earlier. Atticus and I have experiences on different sides of the same fence (he was/ is(?) a prosecutor, I was a public defender for over 30 years), but we see it pretty much the same. The analysis begins by...
Having survived the 1960's I've learned not to obsess too much on current events-personal or societal- being seen as irrefutable evidence of an impending zombie apocalypse.
I do, however, recognize that the attitude that wealth, particularly individually inherited or corporate wealth...
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