Here's what I have concluded and confirmed with my hair stylist. Coloring is harsh on your hair, and I think for many people, hair that is dry and brittle can make one look older. So I am opting for silky, healthy, shiny hair with silver highlights!
Yes it does make sense. And I agree 100% about taking pics of people without their permission and posting online. Sorry I took what you were saying personally!
I feel that I am being cornered and forced to defend something I'm not promoting. I want to be clear that I am not a fan of that site, I don't like it, I don't like the concept. I am not defending any despicable comments on that site in any way. In fact I've never read them. I've spent a total...
Of course that's racist.
Is it classist if the people who are looking at People of Walmart are of the same class/income level? That's the thing- we don't really know who is looking at that site, and why, and how often. That's my only point.
For me- there are two issues- forming an opinion/judgement, and then what I do about it. Etiquette and care wouldn't permit me to be cruel to someone, nor do I feel entitled to tell everyone how they should dress. But that won't stop me from having my own private, honest option. ("Gee, I...
Back to entitlements: People are entitled to their opinions and we're all flawed. Why judge those who judge? I don't think that someone who has seen People of Walmart and giggled or smirked at it is now a "sinner." I see no value in judging people to be like chickens, either.
We're all capable...
It's also online, I will read it now, thanks for suggesting it!
Just feel the need to state that we can't assume that people in PJ's in public are "poor" or that all poor people wear pajamas in public. I don't like stereotypes. I know plenty of "poor" people who are far more well-dressed/spoken/considerate than old money.
Just like Archie Bunker/All in the Family was a seething commentary on mainstream culture and NOT critical of working class Archie.
I tried searching the lounge but couldn't find the excellent discussion on that, where you and I both stated our support for that show's genius.
I grew up in section 8 housing with not very much, and was the recipient of bullying because of my financial status. Sadly classism is nothing new. From the teachers, too. I'm very sensitive to classism, and feel more comfortable around those who don't have "airs." I'm now "middle class" but...
I don't like Walmart and I don't like what I see when I go, so I don't go. I've seen the site but don't read it because again, I don't like what I see.
I don't photograph people to humiliate them, and post the images online for everyone to bully. I have a mental picture in my head that's...
The thing about Walmart is that a wide range of economic classes shop there. If you look in the parking lot you'll see a mix of upscale cars and hoopties. To me, "People of Walmart" is more about trashiness which is an equal opportunity occupation.
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