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What Is The Strangest Thing You've Ever Seen?

Lady Day

I'll Lock Up
Crummy town, USA
I was on a super crowded bus today, and this youngish hipster (tourist) couple came on. Not bad folks, just way of the now. The fella had an iPod shuffle, and the dame had an iPod Nano. They each had only one earphone in, and were listening to music, conversatin' with each other, all while fiddling with the iPods like they were mobile phones. It was so bazaar to watch them talk to one another with one headphone in, and do that! :eusa_doh:

I guess you had to see it to know. Talk about sensory overload.



One Too Many
Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, NY
dhermann1 said:
Strange - horrible: I was 4 blocks away from the World Trade Center when it fell. We watched it through the office window as it came down. Our office building was engulfed in the dustcloud. When we finally emerged around 12:30 PM, we came out into a world of eerie dead silence, like after a new snow fall. The dust absorbed the sound of your feet walking. Very very very strange.

I too watched the Towers fall and saw the second one get hit. You're right, it had to be one of the strangest things I've ever seen. Surreal and strange.

Despite being a life long New Yorker, I'm not sure if I've seen many strange things. At least not things that I've considered very strange.

Once, years ago, I was on the train with a bunch of my friends. We were going to Coney Island which was the thing teenagers did on Easter Sunday back then. Well, the train was FULL of teenagers because you know, we were all going to Coney Island. Anyway, this man attempts to get on the train, he was dressed all in black and was wearing a black beret. I remember we referred to him as a "french painter". Anyway, this guy for whatever reason, wouldn't actually get ON the train. He just kind of stood in the door, letting the doors close on him. The train doors opened and closed several times but he just stood there, he wouldn't move. Of course, the entire train full of kids just looked at him, no one understood why he was just standing there. We then began yelling at him, "get on the train" "come on dude" and all kinds of other things. Instead of him actually getting on the train, he backs up so that the train doors close around his neck, like he intentionally positioned himself in this way. He then proceeds to say in a whining voice, "Come on guys, let me on, stop playing guys, come on." Everyone fell silent and then burst out laughing at him because we just really couldn't understang what he was doing. The train doors opened and closed on him a few more times. The train operator came to our car to see what was going on but the man would not move, he just kept saying, "come on guys, cut it out, come on, let me on". Then he asked us all to stop laughing at him. Of course to a bunch o teenagers that was just even more funny than before so we kept laughing, so hard in fact that this one girl fell off the her seat and of course we all laughed at that. Eventually after a bit, the police came and carted him off.

Dr Doran

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Los Angeles
This one is horrible and I still feel bad about it. I was 17 or so, and I had a terrible fever causing moderate hallucinatory effects and my father (!) took me to Kaiser. This ugly guy, really weird-looking, was sitting between two girls. I thought I was hallucinating how weird he looked. He started laughing as soon as he saw me. I took offense and got in his face and said, "you're real &%^ing ugly, pal," and kept walking. My dad's jaw dropped. The two girls followed me and said he was mentally challenged and disabled (which, in my altered state, I had read only as weird looking and ugly) and he laughs at people sometimes and if I didn't want someone to laugh at me why did I dress like that?

I felt horrible, told them truthfully that I had a terrible fever and was hallucinating. They were very angry and if they struck me I would neither have defended myself nor have tried to get them to stop because I felt so bad.

Ouch. That one still haunts me. VERGOGNA.


A-List Customer
Rosie said:
Once, years ago, I was on the train with a bunch of my friends. We were going to Coney Island which was the thing teenagers did on Easter Sunday back then. Well, the train was FULL of teenagers because you know, we were all going to Coney Island. Anyway, this man attempts to get on the train, he was dressed all in black and was wearing a black beret. I remember we referred to him as a "french painter". Anyway, this guy for whatever reason, wouldn't actually get ON the train. He just kind of stood in the door, letting the doors close on him. The train doors opened and closed several times but he just stood there, he wouldn't move. Of course, the entire train full of kids just looked at him, no one understood why he was just standing there. We then began yelling at him, "get on the train" "come on dude" and all kinds of other things. Instead of him actually getting on the train, he backs up so that the train doors close around his neck, like he intentionally positioned himself in this way. He then proceeds to say in a whining voice, "Come on guys, let me on, stop playing guys, come on." Everyone fell silent and then burst out laughing at him because we just really couldn't understang what he was doing. The train doors opened and closed on him a few more times. The train operator came to our car to see what was going on but the man would not move, he just kept saying, "come on guys, cut it out, come on, let me on". Then he asked us all to stop laughing at him. Of course to a bunch o teenagers that was just even more funny than before so we kept laughing, so hard in fact that this one girl fell off the her seat and of course we all laughed at that. Eventually after a bit, the police came and carted him off.

perhaps he forgot his seeing-eye dog?


One Too Many
Melbourne, Australia
Doran said:
This one is horrible and I still feel bad about it. I was 17 or so, and I had a terrible fever causing moderate hallucinatory effects and my father (!) took me to Kaiser. This ugly guy, really weird-looking, was sitting between two girls. I thought I was hallucinating how weird he looked. He started laughing as soon as he saw me. I took offense and got in his face and said, "you're real &%^ing ugly, pal," and kept walking. My dad's jaw dropped. The two girls followed me and said he was mentally challenged and disabled (which, in my altered state, I had read only as weird looking and ugly) and he laughs at people sometimes and if I didn't want someone to laugh at me why did I dress like that?

I felt horrible, told them truthfully that I had a terrible fever and was hallucinating. They were very angry and if they struck me I would neither have defended myself nor have tried to get them to stop because I felt so bad.

Ouch. That one still haunts me. VERGOGNA.

Man, you need to move on

You were very ill and no more responsible for your actions that the other guy was!

If those women can't realise that sick people go to doctor's surgeries and don't believe what you told them, then they need to lighten up or get stuffed.

Move on and stop beating yourself up


Practically Family
I once saw a man driving his car and it had no windshield. To avoid getting anything in his eyes he had on a pair of old airplane goggles. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. lol

Tommy Fedora

One of the Regulars
Years ago I was driving north on the West Side Highway in NY, traveling home from a broadway play when I saw a car about 50 yards ahead in a shower of sparks. As I approached I could see four men in a big chevy with no tire on the left front wheel. They just kept going, doing about 50 mph with the shower of sparks lighting up the night.
Well, its New York. No biggie.


I'll Lock Up
Shining City on a Hill
This guy is a living comedy routine

So when we were about 13 or 14 we were sitting on my friends front porch. It was a long cement porch the width of the house, and it was about 8 feet from a juniper hedge that divided his grass from the next door neighbor's driveway. So my friends Dad "breaks wind" rather noisely and it caused the cement to rumble. The neighbor next door was on the other side of the hedge bending over pulling weeds. She got up, and said "that's disgusting", walked into the garage and shut the door.lol lol lol


Practically Family
One day a couple of years ago my father and I were driving down Georgia Avenue in DC. My father said "Hey, look at the guy on the motorcycle." I glanced over and there was a kid up ahead of us riding down the street on his motorcycle. At that moment he was laying on the seat. All the sudden he sat back up in a normal position and then quickly moved up and the next thing we knew he was standing on the seat zipping down the road.


Dixon Cannon

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Sonoran Desert Hideaway
Now you've started something....

When I was a kid in South Florida, there was a guy who could be referred to as the 'Jim Carey' of our neighborhood. He was hilarious and incredibly innovative in his humor - a real original.

He could play "Yankee-Doodle" and "Dixie" on the guitar - at the same time!

He could sing "Take Me Out To The Ballpark", one beat off - the whole song, word for word, note for note - just one beat off.

He could lock the accelerator on his car and drive while playing his guitar and steering with his knees. In fact, I once saw him drive down our street, in his convertible, sitting on the windshield frame, feet on the hood, playing his guitar.

He once stuffed an entire box of Vanilla Wafers into his mouth, one cookie at a time until his face was contorted and stretched almost beyond recognition. He then started to laugh and almost choked to death right in front of us!

He once filled his mouth with lighter fluid while listening to a local band who played the same repetroire every night. When they sang Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire", he blew the burst of naptha through his cigarette lighter, creating a huge ball of flame in the middle of the night club!

At the time we all were amused beyond belief. I'm not sure what I'd think of some nut doing this kind of stuff in my neighborhood today, but when you are a kid that kind of stuff seems so incredibly funny. I remember every incident as if it were just yesterday!

-dixon cannon


Practically Family
I once saw a woman shaving her legs in rush hour traffic going 80kms:eek: My first thought was 'your lacerations will match your car':eusa_doh:

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