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What Is The Strangest Thing You've Ever Seen?

Joie DeVive

One Too Many
Ok, I'll bite....

This happened back around 1985 or so, when I was somewhere around 10 give or take a couple years...

I was outside jumping rope by myself after school, when I saw the weirdest thing I had ever seen flying through the air. It was triangular and black, with a little bit of silver towards the tail. It was quite a bit lower than a jet, it was moving relatively slowly, and it was as far as I could tell nearly silent.

I was in my paranormal phase, so I knew it was a UFO. I nearly wet my pants, and ran in the house. My parents weren't sure for a while if I was lying or nuts.

Interestingly enough, about 7 years later when the stealth bomber was revealed to the public on the news, my reaction was: "Holy cow! That's my UFO!!" Now, what a stealth bomber would have been doing over a residential neighborhood in daylight when it was still top secret, I can't tell you, but there it is...

Stealth bomber, UFO or nuts????
You decide.
Joie DeVive said:
Stealth bomber, UFO or nuts????
You decide.

Stealth bomber--I was buzzed by one once, and by the time you know it's there--even if you know it's coming, when and what direction--if that aircrew didn't like you, you'd already be carpet-bombed back to the Stone Age. It's kinda creepy...

And then once the bird has passed, you get ALL of its engine noise, all at once.

Joie DeVive

One Too Many
Marc Chevalier said:
Or perhaps a premonition?



I have those too, very occasionally, but only when asleep. (Deja vu kinda thing) And as talented as I am, I wasn't jumping rope in my sleep.... ;)

And thanks for the confirmation Diamondback, I've always wondered......


One Too Many
Okay, I've got a new one.

About last year a family moved into the house adjacent to mine. Nice people.

Well, they have this uncanny ability to leave doors open. Let me explain;

I took a walk a while ago, at about 10 o'clock at night, and as I returned to my home, I stole a look next door, and what did I see?

The neighbor's garage door was opened fully; and inside the garage, the door to the house was propped open. It was dark inside. They were sleeping. And they left both the doors open.

A burglar could have rid them of all of their posessions. I'm not even joking.

And this is quite a regular occurance at the house. Every afternoon the wife drives the daughter home from school, and as she pulls into the driveway, she leaves the car door halfway open, with the window rolled down. I think, "she's just going to grab something, and leave again."

Nope. Those doors will stay open for hours, if not all through the night.

It baffles me, and it is indeed, the strangest thing I've ever seen.


Practically Family
Sydney Australia
Several years ago I was walking home and a big storm hit very quickly, the rain was pelting down so hard that you were drenched in seconds, my umbrella took off so I stepped into a phone booth. Two seconds after being in there the roof of the booth took off!! Very funny at the time...I stepped into the phone booth and it stepped out!


Call Me a Cab
Outer Los Angeles
Jane Doe, one of my late cats - her partner was John Doe - wasn't fond of being picked up and held for much more than about six microseconds. One day, upon being hefted from the floor by way of my hands, she punched me. Not a swipe or a swing, but a jab. No claws out, but I felt her fur touch my cornea.

Imagine my humiliation at being punched out by a cat. A GIRL cat! :D


"'I'm leaving you in charge while I'm gone,' I said to the cat. The cat, of course, said nothing." - Kinky Friedman


One Too Many
The Rust Belt
I experienced a driving snow storm that had thunder and bad lightening at the same time. It was scary! The sky turned that weird shade that it does during hurricanes and the air was really electrostatically charged. A big bolt of lightening hit the ground near our truck while hubby and I were driving home from work and it was close enough that it fried the stereo in the truck. I promptly went home and changed my underpants. lol ;) lol

Joie DeVive

One Too Many
Oh BBB, that does sound scary!

That's way closer than the closest lightening strike for me, and I'm still wary of thunderstorms.

At a family reunion around here when I was a kid, all the cousins were playing blind-man's-bluff out in my grandfather's empty garage. I don't know where the lightening struck, but it lit up the whole garage through the closed metal garage door, and the thunder was almost instantaneous and deafening. Being a California kid and entirely unused to thunderstorms it scared the devil out of me. I hightailed it right back into the house and sat on my Dad's lap the rest of the night! lol
Of course, my family was a great help comforting me. My uncle looked over at me and said: "You know, it can get you as easy in here as out there...." Gee, thanks Uncle Joe! :p


One Too Many
Strangest thing I've seen? Like others, I've seen a LOT of strange things (I won't repost my 'sighting' on the Queen Mary many years ago), but I do remember sitting at the commons at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, eating supper back in Spring of 1974 when I noticed it was REALLY dark outside. A terrible storm came rolling across campus, and it was raining so hard you could hardly see out the windows. Folks were running in all directions to get out of the weather.

I then saw a guy calmly walking down the sidewalk wearing nothing but a pair of running shoes...stark naked. This was the summer of the 'streaker'.lol THIS guy wasn't in any particular hurry, even with all the flashing lightning and thunder that seemed to roll on forever. He just strolled past the commons and disappeared into the rain.

We waited until the storm passed, which only took a few minutes, then started back to our dorm, which was literally across the way from the commons. We looked up and saw my roommates cabinent radio literally strung down the wall out of our window, hanging by it's cord. It had been sucked through the 2 inch opening we have left open on our bedroom window. It had been pulled out by the suction of the storm (we later learned a tornado had passed over the campus without touching down), destroying the radio in it's passage THROUGH the crack...and yet it never bent or broke the window itself.

This storm system that had passed over us was the storm that destroyed Xenia, Ohio, and was part of the huge tornado breakout in the U. S. you've probably heard so much about in years past. Apparently we had just dodged the bullet in taking a direct hit there at OSU that day....but my roommates radio took the brunt of the storm. We never did get a storm warning either, so if that thing had come down, it would have totally wiped out the campus. The funnel that was sighted was that big.:eek:


Regards! Michaelson


One of the Regulars
Eugene, OR
I worked for a company located in the vicinity of Torrey Pines State Park in San Diego. My morning commute took me right along the beach, where I could most conveniently envy the surfers and sunbathers who weren't going to work.

One especially beautiful, spring morning I looked out to see more surfers than usual. After a quick glance to see I was still in my lane, I took a longer look at the surfers. In addition to the usual complement of homo sapiens surfensis on surfboards, there were an even greater number of dolphins. Not on surfboards, but riding the waves alongside their hominid counterparts.


Northbound on I-17 between Flagstaff and Mountainaire Arizona three years ago. Imagine 7-10 lights a bit brighter than stars and about the altitude of a commercial aircraft beginning it's final approach. The lights were traveling together Northbound for about 8 miles before going behind the mountains on the NW. end of town. Now, before you start thinking that this was just a commercial craft, consider that the truly AMAZING part was the lights would swirl around one another in a very rapid and apparently random pattern while moving North. Then they would all align with one another for a few seconds, then begin the swirling again. My then girlfriend and I watched them for about 5-7 minutes before they disappeared as a HUGE orange glow flashed behind the mountain. At the risk of sounding crazy, I mentioned the incident to my students at NAU the next day and a student had seen the exact same thing on the other side of the mountains as he was heading down to Flag. He said, he would watch them swirl, line up, and then disappear with a flash....only to appear in another part of the sky a few seconds later.

This whole event creeped me out and for the duration of our relationship, my then girlfriend would become really uncomfortable at the discussion and almost refuse to talk about it.



Marc Chevalier

Gone Home
Los Feliz, Los Angeles, California
My dad and his ex-wife saw something quite similar one night a few years ago, while driving from Flagstaff to Sedona. Skeptics both, they were very shaken up by it.

:eek:fftopic: (JohnTheGreek, since you teach at NAU, did you know Val Avery? A dear friend of mine. Her death last year was a great loss.)



Practically Family
I was staying at a friend's house. It was an old house on the scottish coast, victorian, stone built, hidden servant's corridor, spice cupboards that smelt of faraway places. Spirits had been seen in, of all places, the bathroom. Both she and her husband had sensed a presence there. I went to bed that night, and it was dark. The black out curtains from the war were still up. It was quiet, too quiet. I turned out the light and snuggled down under the covers to sleep. What woke me? Was I even asleep yet? I lifted my eyelids and looked around in the dark. Strange house, too much wine. Off course I wasn't going to sleep. Then up in the corner of the room to my right I became aware of a light. Soft, round, and there. Not on the wall, not on the ceiling, just there, and strangely compelling. I didn't turn over and go to sleep, I didn't wonder if there was a hole in the curtains, I just looked. And it didn't move. I turned my head and looked at the light in the keyhole in the door. That light didn't shine upwards at the ceiling corner. It hardly made any impact at all. I looked back, and this round, soft ball of light moved down the wall, moved down and into the old armchair in the corner of the room, and sat there. We looked at each other for a moment, and I asked, "What do you want? What can you show me?" And I began to drift upwards......

True story.


One of the Regulars
Dixon Cannon said:
I once saw a frog in a stand-off with a rather large spider, on my own front porch. In one skinny instant that frogs tongue shot up and grabbed the spider just as it dropped it's cargo of babies. A hundred baby spiders fled in every direction as the frog devoured mom in two easy gulps. Fascinating, I tell ya!

-dixon cannon
:eusa_clap That's a standing applause for mother nature..


Call Me a Cab
Here's an interesting story, but not strange.

I was at a bus stop near an intersection waiting for the bus (obviously) when a couple came over and sat down, the husband shirtless, and the woman carrying a beat up duffle bag. The woman began to talk to me, while the man walked around watching the streets. She told me they were homeless, and I didn't have any more than for bus fare, and she understood.

As a man walked out of the drug store behind us, with an auto repair shirt on, the woman started screaming at him and pointing. Apparently the repair man, as the woman claimed, worked across the street at a gas station, and had raped her one night and she told her husband about it. "There's the guy I told you about!" she said. The man got angry, and he seemed a bit drunk. He started yelling at the repair man face to face. The repair man started yelling back. Then the husband threw a big punch at the repairman. The husband was well built so it must have hurt. The two of them started duking it out near the street corner.

Suddenly there was this big "screech, smash!" sound at the intersection. Right when they started fighting each other, two cars, one that was turning right, and another that was crossing the intersection towards us, smashed into each other. One of them was watching these two men fight and wasn't watching the road. Everyone on the sidwalk and at every corner of the intersection looked over at the two cars as they drove to the side of the road. The repairman backed off after the smash and the husband yelled at him as he walked off to the corner to cross. The woman started laughing, and said to her husband that he caused the car accident and her husband had a mean look on his face. Kind of reminded me of Popeye. He and the repair man, who was across the street a few minutes later, made hand motions at each from across the street.

Finally the bus came and I hopped on. Interesting way to start a day. At the end of my trip, I was walking up the street back home, and there coming down the street are the couple. The man now had a shirt on, and the woman was pushing a shopping cart. We said hello and they joked about the car crash, and we went our own ways.


I'll Lock Up
Isle of Langerhan, NY
I was surfing through the site, found this thread, and here we go.

During the late '90s, and I know it was the late 90s because I remember the car this occurred with, I was doing my usual morning going to work thing. I went downstairs, through my bag in the car, put the key into the ignition, pushed in the clutch, turned the key, and . . . nothing.

I tried it again and again, checking everything each time. Was my foot on the clutch to the floor? Yes.

Great. Car trouble. At least I was home. I pulled out my cell phone to call school to tell them the situation and that I'd be late or not in at all. I open the cell phone. Nothing. No power. And yes, I had charged it the night before.

Now I'm getting aggravated. I go upstairs and start explaining to my (now ex-) wife what had just happened. She told me to calm down and use the house phone to call the school. I called them and told them what was up.

So then she says, go downstairs and try it again. So I did. Put the key in, depressed the clutch, and the car started right up. I was sitting there, startled. I open my phone, and there's the screen, all powered up. I'm like, wtf?

I turn the radio on, as I always do, and the news station that I listen to comes on at its regular 'traffic and weather' time, and there is a report of bad auto accident that just occurred at about the spot of the road I'd be on if none of this nonsense had occurred with my car and my cell phone.

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