Best quality pic I've seen yet, Alan. We watched 2:01 totality in Monmouth, Oregon. It took me 2 hours to get home on a 35 minute trip, but my brother from LA took 12 hours to get to his hotel in Redding, CA, which is normally a 6 hour trip.I have a lot of catching up to do. just returning from a road trip with one hat which I couldn't wear very much because it was hot as blazes in Kentucky and I spent a lot of time under the sun. A Tilley did the trick, though it needed a bath when I got back. Spent much of the time in this pose, looking up - first at the clouds with a worried look, but finally at a spectacular solar eclipse. One photo as a souvenir... it shows the sun and moon 1 tenth of a second after totality. The sun is just peeking through a deep valley at the edge of the moon. Glasses and filters back on immediately after this was taken.
Did you notice a drop in temp? The wind started up here and felt like it dropped a good 15 - 20 degrees. I was a touch chilled, but my sister-in-law was freezing!
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