Neo-- it looks great! BOP with a higher crown and curled brim, sort of. And the band is really striking too. Did you post a detail of that band on the Buckaroo thread? Seems to me you did.
Today I brought two hats with me to work. One new Royal Deluxe Stetson bowler:
And one Stephen Stetson customized Lord's Hat:
Thanks, coble. The pipe is made from aged briar, as are the majority of tobacco pipes due to the porousness and resilience of the material to heat and moisture. Meerschaum (whitish mineral, sometimes with caramel colored patina) is the other most widely used material. This particular piece has a nice warm orange stain on the bowl and a marbled acrylic stem (Savinelli-- "Bing's Favorite"). too much info?bowlerman, digging the hats, very distinquished their. Especially with that pipe, what kind of wood is the pipe made from?
bowlerman, a couple of nice hats yesterday. I've always be intrigued by the lord's hat. One of these days I'll have to get one. The pipe adds just the right touch with either hat.
coble, I like the sunbody, it should be a well used hat come summertime.
Bowlerman, did you check out my son's Bowler on the "New Hats" thread? Is your new Stetson Royal Bowler a new modern one or vintage?
Very cold morning in NYC. Out in my W&W Hombrrrrg
Ale-- what a great homburg! Can I ask the crown height and brim width on that?
Ale - hmm, I might have to add you to my "very short list of people that look good in Homburgs"
Welcome, Lights! Great looking fedora.
Javier, super family portrait.
Javier great hats and great family.
Lights welcome to the lounge. I have that hat in the same color. Well again welcome and enjoy/.
Javier, great looking family. Your girls look as though they really enjoy dad's hats.
Lights, welcome to the FL.