Thanks, I did that yesterday but no reply yet.. we'll see. A pity you can not see any pictures of their fabrics on the web
Is there anybody else who has got any other ideas that might fit the bill here? What is your preferred overcoat weight? 25oz and upward?
This is truly a beautiful cloth and the colors are quite spot on, I don't think I would like it any darker, what do you say?
The problem is that it's 23-24oz.. but here is a picture of some of it made up into a coat
And as I said, any help is much appreciated.
HE Box only have those weight of overcoatings in navy, black, red and bottle green as well as two covert or whipcord type cloths and a shade known as British Warm which is a drab or khaki shade.
Dugdale have this in a 25oz
Your best bet really is to scour the tweed mills in Britain and Ireland. You may have to have it woven for you in the end especially for that weight.