Twitch said:Hey, I'm not starting a completely new thread for this but since it's gun related you ought to get it.
I have been noticing that on a regular basis on TV when someone is pointing a Glock at another person then the situation de-escalates and the pointer relaxes his aim that the damned stupid sound effects dope adds a decocking of the hammer sound! This from a pistol with internal hammer that the user cannot manipulate!!!:rage:
Maybe we do need a separate thread for just incorrect stuff Hollywood does with firearms, like the old fav of firing more than 6 shots with a six-shooter.![]()
Twitch said:Ah yes the old pistola check and re-check...than no one does except in movies and TV! I know the condition of every one of my arms- safety on, one in chamber of this one, clip full but needs to be chambered for firing on another, etc. A law enforcement pro always knows the status of his weapon without thinking.
Gideon Ashe said:Of course it is possible but, less likely.![]()
Viola said:If anything self-defense was more highly prized then, along with greater expectation that civilians would look out for themselves and their neighbors more than now when everything is left to the police.
Don't get me wrong, I have the upmost respect for the police, I just don't think they have magic teleportation powers. I mean who really wants their murder solved?
Story said:In Miami? I'd say you moved from the frying pan directly into the line of fire. lol
Why do you think I have entered the line of fire, from the pan?
Florida is a shall issue state for CCW licenses and the violent personal crime rate has dropped greatly since it was established and signed into law by former Gov. Jeb Bush.
Of course I am covered by HR218 as are most other LEO's in my catagory.
Of course if one is really interested in getting involved in something of a dangerous or possible fatal nature it is possible. But mostly you have to search that out, if you are interested in a case of bulletholeria..
I live in a pretty nice and dull community, generally a place of private residences and few reasons for anyone not residing there to enter for either fun or profit. THAT would be a bad move anyway. In my street there are nine of eleven residences that are populated by former local, state or federal LEO's. The amazing part is that we all lead our own lives and never bother each other or BS about the "sunny slopes of long ago." Just the occasional "Howzit goin?"
Gideon Ashe said:Why do you think I have entered the line of fire, from the pan?
Diamondback said:Not so intimidating, though, when you know some countermeasures. Rule of thumb is if shooter and knifer/other hand-to-hand fighter are inside 21', pistolero's got problems. Google 'Tueller Principle'.
Gary Crumrine said:Well, I know folks have said this, and it has become lore, but if the gun / knife is in hand objective tests generally show its the unarmed attacker who gets the owies. Try it yourself.
After all, if weapons are inefficient inside 21' ... why carry them? Disarm the police. Those armoured car guards? Remove their guns ... they'll be more effective with a few tae-kwon-do moves. Makes sense.
Diamondback said:Gary, wasn't saying they were totally useless, just get uglier than outside. Gun-in-hand, Tueller doesn't apply--it's the "two-second draw-aim-fire versus two-second knifer-rush" race.
Just that your sidearm isn't always the optimal tool, and sometimes you need a way to buy time to complete that "draw-aim-ready to fire" cycle.
Your sidearm is NEVER the optimum tool. It is the last ditch reliance tool. Except for your back-up pistol. That's the last LAST ditch reliance
It (your pistol) is for that time when you have been too lazy to plan, or have been confronted by an imponderable. It is NOT a first choice. If you have time you get your 870 or whatever it is you carry.![]()
As a fleeting thought, the person running headlong towards me with a knife in his hand and who has satisfied my threat indicator as deadly in intent, actually may get close enough to me to inflict a cut on the part of my body I allow him to have, while I draw and fire little bits of metal into him at very high velocity. Such a person is surely called a Tweaker, or a Duster, or a Jihadi or some other appelation signifying a diminished capacity.
He is never called clever, a martial artist, or marginally smart. Most likely he will also be spoken of in the past tense. I, however, will have more stitches in this old frame and a LOT of discussion with my attorney and physician.
Hell. I hurt all the time anywaylol
That, and to be more watchful of closer contacts--I start ratcheting up my alert levels at 30 ("outer perimeter"), 21 ("middle"), 10 ("inner") and 5' ("barrier"/"point-defense"; most intensive tracking until the 5' line is re-exited) range.
lol Yes. Be polite and considerate to everyone you meet and plan about you can take him out with dispatch and little exertion.![]()
Gideon, the late Mr. Cirillo and I have some mutual acquaintances, he's another I wish I coulda studied under.
A. G. Geiger said:I'm pretty interested in tis. But a vintage raygun bould be better. I prefer four foot arcs to flaming led.