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I dunno that ray gun busniss sounds like something you'll need a federal license for...

AeroDillo said:If I may venture a guess, I'd say they connect to the sword hangers on a Sam Browne belt.
Yeah...pretty sure that's not the terminology, but...what can you do?
short barreled pump or lever action shotgun Browning 9mm semi autoplain old dave said:What firearms best work for The Golden Age? My Nominees:
Colt New Service
Colt Government Model (either .45 or .38 Super)
Smith and Wesson Military and Police
Smith and Wesson Model 1926 .44
Colt Police Positive
Remington Model 81
Remington Model 51
M1928 Thompson with vertical fore-end and drum magazine
I'm assuming you mean: Model 1887, or Model 1901 (lever action shotgun.) Model 1897 (The Good Old Trench Gun. No restrictor means that you can hold the trigger and pump.) or M-1912 pump shotgun, and a Browning Hi-Power. The Hi-Power, though extremely popular with German troops was very much a runner-up in the popular eye to the 1911. Though many still prefered ye olden six shooters, to the point that it probably wouldn't be uncommon to see somebody pack an 1873 around. But yeah, the 1911 was definitely THE handgun of the era. As for adding weapons, I haven't got the time to read all 13 pages of posts to see if it's already been posted, but I'd say the Browning Model 1918 Automatic Rifle can't be left out. And while we're speaking of good old '06 weapons, let's not forget the 1903. Jeff Cooper would roll over in his grave were we to forget that venerable peice of American history.dostacos said:short barreled pump or lever action shotgun Browning 9mm semi auto