Worked better with MM
Worked better with MM
Great photo!
Great series Bob. The Unknown is a Jicarillia Apache boy photographed by Edward Curtis in 1905. I have it in a coffee table book of his photography.
I like that photo of Little Cook.
It is really interesting how little men's clothes changed before the 1960's or so. Some of the guys in that photo wouldn't have been out of place in the 1950's. When I think about it, though, I realize that I don't dress today very differently than I did forty years ago.The date of this image is based on the event in 1912. It is interesting that the hats do show some "later" looking wider brims. As I have looked at a number of hat ads from this era, there was quite a variety available. One thing that is fairly universal is a center dent, with side pinches on the majority of men's styles in the teens. The crease clip seen just below and to the left of the number on the engine smokebox is common for the period. I have a hat being made right now that is an homage to this era. I'm looking for a vintage crease clip to give the crown a more 1912 look.
Looks like most of those overalls have a button down flap pocket on the chest. Never seen any like that before. I'd like to find a pair.Batesville, Arkansas. 1936. Photos by Carl Mydan.
Love the stache!Batesville, Arkansas. 1936. Photos by Carl Mydan.