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- Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
("Well, at least th' roof didn't leak," sighs Uncle Frank, flicking his flashlight around his dark and gloomy Flatlands warehouse. "Here, Jimmy," he continues, "whaaat's th' waaard on th' powarr? Didjee do as Oi told ye an' aaask farr Cavenaaar down at th' Edison aaahfice?" "He was pretty soeh, Pop," shrugs Jimmy. "He said them last two cawrtons a' smokes ya sent'im tasted like t'ey come out'va pencil shawrpeneh." Uncle Frank sighs with annoyance. "Doon'ee know," he eyerolls, "tharrr'sa waaar ahhn?" "Show ya beam oveh heeh, woulja?" requests Jimmy, holding up his wrist. "I wanna see what time." Uncle Frank complies, and Jimmy squares his shoulders and takes a deep breath. "I gotta go, Pop," he explains. "If I don' get me rounds done, t'ol' lady'll have me neck. Um, I mean Ma, Ma will have me neck." "Thisss is oonsatisfactory," exhales Uncle Frank. "We gotta find a proparr replacement farr th' Hoppar. Oi need you tendin' t' business here. Don'chee know ANYBODY?" "I dunno, Pop," replies Jimmy, holding out his arms. "Don'cha know t'ezza wawr on?")
A 28-year-old mother of five already facing charges of forging American Legion welfare fund checks now faces a new charge passing a worthless check to a grocer in College Point. Mrs. Josephine Commissso of 10-11 W. 127th Street was arraigned on the new charge in Flushing Court before Magistrate Joseph D'Andrea, and was paroled for a hearing there on September 25th. She is accused of writing a worthless check for $57.50 at the store of Mrs. Adele Bunghardt at 125-19th 20th Avenue. She had been scheduled last Monday to appear in Long Island City Court on charges that she wrote five worthless checks against the welfare account of the College Point American Legion, but she failed to appear. Her bail was revoked and a warrant issued for her arrest. When brought before Magistrate D'Andrea, Mrs. Commisso maintained that she had not received the summons to appear in Long Island City, and her bail was, on that ground, restored.
("I have nothing to do with the Copa. I could prove it but I left all my paperwork in the back of a cab.")
("Nonsense," says Mr. Costello. "Besides, they can find me any night of the week at the Copa.")
(The slider? Just a fad.)
(Just a minute there, Doc. When did you get certification as a marriage counselor? You don't NEED certification? Oh, well, carry on then.)
("Bucking the ponies? What is this, Red Ryder?)
("Hm. What would Henry Fonda do?")
(Shoulda stopped for coffee, kids!)
(MUSIC: Suspense cue, hold under.)