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- Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
("I dunno," exhales Sally, "remembeh in t'oity-six t'eh, awlem polls said Landon was gonna win. I guess he foun' out nawt t'b'lieve in no polls. I t'ink t'is is gonna be a close one. Awlamoeh reason why you gotta get ya votin' straightend out." "Oh," injects Alice, "T'a't's inna bag. Yeh. Evr'yt'ing's jake." "Oh?" ohs Sally, flipping her seatmate a sidelong glance. "'Ja fine'ya boit' c'tificate aftehrawl?" "Uh," uhs Alice, "well..." "CLAWRK STREET NEX' STAWP," roars the voice of the conductor as the subway lurches into Brooklyn. "CHANGE 'EEH F'T' B-M-T!" "Oh," resumes Alice, "I jus' rememehed sump'n. Soon's we get home, I need t'go upta t'Ginsboigs' an' check awn Zippy. You know, t'eh tawkin' boid t'eh. T'eh'r at soivices t'night. T' Day'v Atonemen'." "Y'know," nods Sally, "I awrways liked t'ideeh'ra t'at. A time when y't'ink'a 'bout awla t'ings ya done wrong an' how y'c'n do betteh. I guess we awl do a lotta t'ings t'at's wrong. I mean, maybe I say some mean t'ings t'you, but'choo know I don' mean it." "Eh," ehs Alice, her face clouding. "I guess I do my shaeh'ra t'ings I prob'ly shouldn'. But -- I mean -- is it wrawng t'do sump'n wrawng if t'ezza good reason f'rit?" Sally offers a quizzical glance. "Y'know," she sighs, "t'e'z moeh'ta you'n people t'ink." "I hope so," shrugs Alice.)
Troops of the British 8th Army have crossed the Rubicon, and captured Bordonchio, Camerano, and several other towns near the Adriatic coast as the Germans move up reinforcements for fierce counterattacks which virtually halted the American drive on Verona. British troops have cleared the enemy from the area between the Marecchia and the Rubicon rivers and have forced a number of bridgeheads across the latter historic stream.
President Roosevelt will make at least one campaign speech in New York City and one upstate, it was confirmed today by Democratic National Committeeman Robert E. Hannegan. The President's appearance in the city is expected to take place in the last week before Election Day.
Police Commissioner Lewis J. Valentine will be sworn in by Mayor LaGuardia on Thursday for his third five-year term as he completes a full ten years in office. The Commissioner is 60 years old.
("I hoop Sally has th' sense," fumes Ma, with a glance at Leonora, immersed in a copy of 'True Romances', "t'stay hoom aftarr th' warr an' raise'arr choild loike Oi done. I didn't waark in noo fact'ry." Uncle Frank snickers as he sips his two-cents-plain. "What's soo fonny?" demands Ma. "Oooh, Oi dunno," he chuckles. "Seems t'me Oi remembarr ye waaarked soo hard in 'eer, ye run poor ol' Mistarr Lieb roit oot th' daarr." "That was diff'rn't," insists Ma. "We was livin' roit oopstars, wharr Oi could keep a cloos oye aahn th' children. They didn't take a deep breath without Oi haard aboot it. Oi didn' go paaarkin' thim with noo relatives. B'soides," she adds, lowering her voice, "THAT woon is gett'n too smarrt far'rar oon good. T'day she aaasked me what it means t'caaahmbinate a noombar!" "Ye didn't tell 'ar, didjee?" queries Uncle Frank. "Oi did NAAAHT!" snaps Ma. "Good," nods Uncle Frank. "And," Ma adds, "Oi didn' take 'arr bet neitharr!" Uncle Frank laughs out loud, but stops short as Ma's face creases into a sudden frown. "Lean ovarr here, Francis," she commands. "Oh, now Nora," blushes Uncle Frank, "noo kissin' in froonta th' baby," "Kiss noothin'," scowls Ma, taking a deep sniff. "YOU been SMOKIN'!" "Ah," ahs Uncle Frank, his eyes rolling ceilingward. "AH!" conculdes Ma.)
(Greenwich Village? Don Ameche sure gets around.)
("Oh, don't worry, Doctor, I have the water balloons up in my room.")
(Rube Melton is the Thomas Edison of the Dodger staff? You mean he'd be 97 years old if he wasn't dead? That sounds about right.)
(You know, all it would need is a bit of scar tissue dehiscence and you'll be right back where you started.)
(I mean, you really can't make a living selling candy, soda, cigarettes, and papers.)
(Checks and stripes are really big this fall.)
(Nice save, Alice -- uh -- whateveryournameis.)