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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("I dunno," exhales Sally, "remembeh in t'oity-six t'eh, awlem polls said Landon was gonna win. I guess he foun' out nawt t'b'lieve in no polls. I t'ink t'is is gonna be a close one. Awlamoeh reason why you gotta get ya votin' straightend out." "Oh," injects Alice, "T'a't's inna bag. Yeh. Evr'yt'ing's jake." "Oh?" ohs Sally, flipping her seatmate a sidelong glance. "'Ja fine'ya boit' c'tificate aftehrawl?" "Uh," uhs Alice, "well..." "CLAWRK STREET NEX' STAWP," roars the voice of the conductor as the subway lurches into Brooklyn. "CHANGE 'EEH F'T' B-M-T!" "Oh," resumes Alice, "I jus' rememehed sump'n. Soon's we get home, I need t'go upta t'Ginsboigs' an' check awn Zippy. You know, t'eh tawkin' boid t'eh. T'eh'r at soivices t'night. T' Day'v Atonemen'." "Y'know," nods Sally, "I awrways liked t'ideeh'ra t'at. A time when y't'ink'a 'bout awla t'ings ya done wrong an' how y'c'n do betteh. I guess we awl do a lotta t'ings t'at's wrong. I mean, maybe I say some mean t'ings t'you, but'choo know I don' mean it." "Eh," ehs Alice, her face clouding. "I guess I do my shaeh'ra t'ings I prob'ly shouldn'. But -- I mean -- is it wrawng t'do sump'n wrawng if t'ezza good reason f'rit?" Sally offers a quizzical glance. "Y'know," she sighs, "t'e'z moeh'ta you'n people t'ink." "I hope so," shrugs Alice.)

Troops of the British 8th Army have crossed the Rubicon, and captured Bordonchio, Camerano, and several other towns near the Adriatic coast as the Germans move up reinforcements for fierce counterattacks which virtually halted the American drive on Verona. British troops have cleared the enemy from the area between the Marecchia and the Rubicon rivers and have forced a number of bridgeheads across the latter historic stream.

President Roosevelt will make at least one campaign speech in New York City and one upstate, it was confirmed today by Democratic National Committeeman Robert E. Hannegan. The President's appearance in the city is expected to take place in the last week before Election Day.

Police Commissioner Lewis J. Valentine will be sworn in by Mayor LaGuardia on Thursday for his third five-year term as he completes a full ten years in office. The Commissioner is 60 years old.


("I hoop Sally has th' sense," fumes Ma, with a glance at Leonora, immersed in a copy of 'True Romances', "t'stay hoom aftarr th' warr an' raise'arr choild loike Oi done. I didn't waark in noo fact'ry." Uncle Frank snickers as he sips his two-cents-plain. "What's soo fonny?" demands Ma. "Oooh, Oi dunno," he chuckles. "Seems t'me Oi remembarr ye waaarked soo hard in 'eer, ye run poor ol' Mistarr Lieb roit oot th' daarr." "That was diff'rn't," insists Ma. "We was livin' roit oopstars, wharr Oi could keep a cloos oye aahn th' children. They didn't take a deep breath without Oi haard aboot it. Oi didn' go paaarkin' thim with noo relatives. B'soides," she adds, lowering her voice, "THAT woon is gett'n too smarrt far'rar oon good. T'day she aaasked me what it means t'caaahmbinate a noombar!" "Ye didn't tell 'ar, didjee?" queries Uncle Frank. "Oi did NAAAHT!" snaps Ma. "Good," nods Uncle Frank. "And," Ma adds, "Oi didn' take 'arr bet neitharr!" Uncle Frank laughs out loud, but stops short as Ma's face creases into a sudden frown. "Lean ovarr here, Francis," she commands. "Oh, now Nora," blushes Uncle Frank, "noo kissin' in froonta th' baby," "Kiss noothin'," scowls Ma, taking a deep sniff. "YOU been SMOKIN'!" "Ah," ahs Uncle Frank, his eyes rolling ceilingward. "AH!" conculdes Ma.)


(Greenwich Village? Don Ameche sure gets around.)


("Oh, don't worry, Doctor, I have the water balloons up in my room.")


(Rube Melton is the Thomas Edison of the Dodger staff? You mean he'd be 97 years old if he wasn't dead? That sounds about right.)


(You know, all it would need is a bit of scar tissue dehiscence and you'll be right back where you started.)


(I mean, you really can't make a living selling candy, soda, cigarettes, and papers.)


(Checks and stripes are really big this fall.)


(Nice save, Alice -- uh -- whateveryournameis.)




Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Y'know, twenty years ago the News would have published that whole poem without blinking, but I guess we all get more respectable as we get older.


I have a copy of this pamphlet. It's clear, scientific, and to the point. There are quality ratings for different brands of condoms and contraceptive jellies, and detailed information on other methods of contraception. There's also a warning that the market in 1944 is flooded with cheap, defective condoms, and the buyer must not purchase from gas stations, bars, or other such establishments.


In loving detail, eh Mr. Gould?


"What's the easiest way to blow up a submarine?"


"I don't know -- does he fly those missions with his feet on the wheel?"


Just because he's got a better haircut doesn't mean you can let down your guard.


You know, the two of you could easily get actual jobs.


Mustn't keep the process servers waiting!


I can't wait for Burms to take this little twerp apart.


A true master at the height of his powers.
Last edited:
New York City
And also...

Seven million stories.

Wasn't there a daughter a while back who stole some money and ran away, and her parents, too, sent out a message like this?

Had I stolen money from my Dad and ran away, he would have 1. written me off as a complete loss ("Nope, no children, never had any."), or 2. posted a classified like this hoping to lure me back so that he could kill me.

I would not have been fooled by the latter.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Nooo, noo, tharr's noo doobt aboot it," declares Uncle Frank. "Th' warr's goin' t'be ovarr in a mattar'a weeks, an' ye'll be seein' Mickey an' Joe roit here hoom farr Christmas." "Don't be changin' th' soobject, Francis Leary," scowls Ma. "Oi KNOW ye been sneakin' smooks. Ye smelled oov'it yestardayy, an' ye smell oov'it t'day, aaan aaaahn toopa that, whin ye took ye hand oota ye paaacket joost now, Oi see a cellarphane cigar wrappar faaal oot. It's roit tharr on th' floor boi ye shoe!" "Disgraceful, Nora, joost disgraceful," exclaims Uncle Frank, bending down to retrieve said wrapper. "Ye really aaaht t'considar hoirin' a janitarr t'sweep oop in heer, aaahl these riff raffy coostamars throowin' tharr trash aaahn th' floor." He deftly knots the wrapper, flips it over the counter, and watches it flutter into the wastebasket. "Ye really should," he adds, "troi t'keep a higharrr-tooned place." "Oi know fool well yarr gett'n'm f'rm soomplace," glares Ma. "Oi told th' boys if Oi harrd they was gett'n'm farr ye Oi'd whale'm inta nixt Tuesday. An' ye moit loike t'know Oi had Danny goo aroond t'aaahl th' stores in th' Flatlands an' poot'm aaahf ye so ye don't git no oidears whin ye oot th' warehoose." "Oh, now, Nora," frowns Uncle Frank. "Oooh now Nora noothin'," retorts Ma. "Oi'm woon steppaheadda ye, Francis, an' Oi'll aaahlways BE woon steppaheadda ye! Oi evaan taaalked t' Garrity, th' tobaccar whoolesaler, an' he's gett'n th' warrd oot aaaaahl oovar town. Nooooo, ye can go hithar an' yaaaahn, bootchee ain' gett'n noo cigars. Th' doctarr said ye was t'quit, an' may th' divil melt me, Oi'm gonnar see to it that'chee DO quit." "Nora," pleads Uncle Frank. "Don'chee think Oi c'n make up me own moind? Why moost'chee intarfeer with..." "BECAUSE, ye bloody oold blatherskite," thunders Ma, "Oi doon't waant'chee t'DIE!" This brings Uncle Frank up short. "TWOICE Oi've haad t'start me loife ovarr again," exhales Ma. "And Oi DON'T plan t'do it a tharrd toime!" Uncle Frank blinks, as the words sink in. "We'rrr gettin' oold, Francis," continues Ma, her eyes watering. "You an' me, we'rr gettin' oold. An' Oi doon't know aboot you, but OI don't plan to get oold aloone." "No," nods Uncle Frank, his voice growing somber as he hands Ma a napkin. "Noo, Oi -- doon't waant'chee to. It's joost that...." Ma dabs her eyes with the napkin, and reaches for a countertop display box. "Take this," she commands, shoving the box across the counter. "Tootsie Rolls?" replies Uncle Frank. "Ivvry toime ye feel th' need f'ra cigarr," exhales Ma, "take yeself woon'a these. Take aaahf th' wrappar joost loike ye would with a cigarr, an' stick it in ye mooth joost loike ye would with a cigarr. Doon't chew aaahn it, joost leave it tharr an' soock aahn it." "Ooov aaahl th'..." sputters Uncle Frank before he is again brought up short by the depths of Ma's glare. "Thaat's a good oidear, Nora," he nods, acknowledging defeat. "Oi'll poot a few in me paaahcket here." Ma nods, and grants a small smile. "Oi'll poot th' baax," she nods, "aaahn ye bill.")

British 8th Army forces expanded their bridgehead across the Rubicon and drove up the Po Valley today as American 5th Army infantrymen met the Germans in a fierce battle to retain the rough and difficult Apennine Mountain sector. After clearing up the last enemy resistance south of the Rubicon, the 8th Army sent Canadian units to the outskirts of the town of Bellaria, on the Rimini-Ravenna coastal highway seven and a half miles north of Rimini. Other 8th Army units further inland approached the town of Savignano on the Rimini-Forli highway eight miles to the northwest of Rimini. Meanwhile, the Fifth Army made gains varying from half a mile to three miles despite a German counterattack which drove the Americans from the strategic spur of Mount Alafino Ridge.The main mass of that ridge, however, was still held by the Americans.


("Ain'nit disgustin'?" scowls Sally. "Awlese doity cawps?" "Terrible," sighs Alice, her mind elsewhere. "Not t'at t'eh was eveh too many t'at WASN' doity," Sally continues. "I remembeh when we haddat siddown strike at Woolwoit's in t'oity-seven'neh -- t'em doity cawps t'at come inneh t'break it up, draggin' us inta t'em pie wagons. I kicked one'v'm right inna kneecap, I guess I give HIM sump'n t't'ink about." "Yeh," nods Alice, absently. "An'nen'nat one we useta have 'roun' home'neh, t'at Flannehry. R'membeh right be'foeh you'n Krause got married, he run Krause in f'passin' countehfeit money? An' it awl toined out t'be a setup? Won'neh whateveh happ'nt'a him? I hoid t'ey sen'nim t' Staten Islan' a'someplace. Good riddance, I say, huh?" "Yeh," sighs Alice. "Hey," snaps Sally. "You awright? Sump'n awn ya mine?" "No," sighs Alice. "Jus' t'inkin' 'bout sump'n, t'at's awl." Sally shrugs but presses no further. "In fack," she resumes, "I t'ink t'on'y hones' cawp I eveh hoid of izzis guy useta wawk t'beat when I was a kid. Doyle, his name was. Oh, he gimme a little trouble now'an'nen, but it neveh stuck. An' him an' Ma an' Uncle Frank was good frien's, he'd hang aroun'a stoeh awla time. I t'ink he's a sawrgent now, upta Empire Boulevard precinc'. I ought go up t'eh some time an' say h'lo." Alice flicks a glance at her seatmate and gives a barely-perceptible headshake. "Yeh," she sighs.)

A purported ban on the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in New York City public schools was criticized yesterday by attorney Charles H. Tuttle, member of the Board of Higher Education. In a speech before a Kiwanis Club luncheon at the Towers Hotel, Tuttle pointed to a recent suggestion by assistant superintendant of schools Frederic Ernst that school officials should "tone down any quasi-religious excercises that may offend any group." "Are we so chained to the chariot of pure secularism," demanded Tuttle, "that the very heighs of literature must be banned?" Superintendand of Schools John Wade responded to Tuttle's remarks by noting that Mr. Ernst's suggestion was merely that, and that there exists no formal ban on the Lord's Prayer, or any prayer, in the city's schools. Tuttle had argued that "the Lord's Prayer is as non-sectarian as the stars on a June night."


(Well then tell Dewey to lay off his dog!)


(Back To Normalcy!)


(Yeah, yeah, Leo's coming back. GO BROWNS!!!!!)

Eighty-five percent of women members of the United Auto Workers want to keep their jobs after the war. A survey conducted by the Congress of Industrial Organizations found overwhelming support among the union's female membership for continuing to work once the war is over, even though women workers are generally at the bottom of seniority lists, and thus can expect to be the first to be laid off once war production in the nation's auto factories ramps down. Some of those responding to the poll declared that they found hard physical factory work far more interesting than the usual prewar feminine occupations.




("Bookies! And he NEVER goes to the library!")


("Yeah, this is nothing new, you can order these from the back pages of 'Short Wave Craft.'")


("Perhaps Richard liked an older woman for his wife." WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING RED?)




Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"Not her shoulder."




Yes, it's Nye-na, not Nee-na. And didn't you guys used to be the Yacht Club Boys?


"Um, HOW modest?"


"Did you at least get their ration books first?"


Low center of gravity.


OK, somebody get a pressure hose and clean off this sidewalk. Oh, and while you're at it, arrest these guys, it'll save a lot of trouble later.


Woo hoo, SKIPPED!


Well, they do say money talks.


Have this seat, sir -- right over the bomb bay.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Christmas, ehhh?" frowns Ma, glancing up sourly at Uncle Frank, who is methodically stripping the wrapper from a Tootsie Roll. "An' hoo many a'those doos it make t'day?" "Fifteen," sighs Uncle Frank, shifting the oily chocolate rod from one side of his mouth to the other. "They doon't laaast as long as a good cigar." "Whin," snorts Ma, "did YE evarr smook a GOOD cigar." Uncle Frank's eyes finish rolling just as the screen door squeaks open to admit Sally. "Hey, I got a ---" she begins, before breaking into a snicker at the sight of Uncle Frank's surrogate cigar. "WHAT," she laughs, "have you got inya mout'?" "Ask yarr moothar," grumbles Uncle Frank. "Francis is givin' oop cigars 'caus'v'is ulcer," proclaims Ma, "and OI am seein' to it that he DOOS." "Izzit hawrd," grins Sally, "t'keep it lit?" "Ahhhhh," scowls Uncle Frank, removing the Tootsie Roll from its mouth, "yaaaaar aaahl aloike. Noo sympathy farr a man's soofarin'." "Anyways," resumes Sally, "I got anot'eh letteh f'rm Joe. Lissen 'eeh. 'Deeh Sal,' he says, an'nen, a'couese, he goes inta awlla poissonal stuff about -- um -- poissonal stuff. Yeh. An'nen he says 'we awr hopin' f'big t'ings t'is fawl, in fack, t'cawrpr'l in my unit, wheneveh anybody gets t'gripin', he says 'don't worry boys, you all is gonna be home by Chris'mas.' He says 'you all" because he is from t' Sout'. An' we all hope t'at he is right. In fack, if you have awlready sent a Chris'mas present, maybe it will get heeh afteh I get home, ha ha! Hope it dont come back postage due.' An'nen he says 'have you hoid anyt'ing from Solly Pincus? I always wondeh if I will run inta him oveh heeh. I have run inta a few diffrent Sollys an' a coupla Pincuses, but so fawr I ain't been able t'get t'em t'getteh. Ha ha!.' An'nen he says a bunch moeh poissonal stuff an'nen 'love t' awl, Joe.' T'at's pretty good, huh? Home by Chris'mas." "Indeed," sighs Ma, slipping the Eagle under the counter and out of sight, as Uncle Frank sucks thoughtfully on his Tootsie Roll...)

Land-based fighters from nearly-conquered Peleliu have joined the growing Allied aerial campaign in the Phillippines theatre where southwest Pacific bombers rain new blows on Mindonao and carried out a 3000-mile round-trip raid on Java, it was disclosed today. The Japanese Domei news agency, in a broadcast monitored by the FCC, said 100 American planes raided the Palaus on Tuesday concentrating mainly on Koror Island near Babelthuap.

Reports have been revived claiming that Mayor LaGuardia will be commissioned a general and sent to Italy, assigned to aid the Bonomo Government in establishing a "New Deal" in that country. The Mayor, a frequent visitor to Washington, is due in the capital tomorrow on "miscellaneous business," part of which, it is rumored, involves his desire to return to uniform. He served as a major in the last war. He is considered one of Italy's "best friends" in America, and until mid-August broadcast regularly to that country in the Italian language under the auspices of the Office Of War Information.


("It's like Ah bin tellin' yuh aaawl uhlong, Brooklyn," sighs the Corporal. "Yo' li'l girl gon' be a ol' married lady by thuh time yuh see huh ag'in." "Ahhh, ya full'v'it,' growls Joe, rereading Sally's last letter for the twentieth time. "Maaaahk muh words," the Corporal continues. "Use yo' haid, boy. Laaaawng's they soljuhs ovuh heeuh, they's gonna need t'git fed. An' who-all but US is gon' haftuh do thuh feedin'? Home bah Chrissmuss? Mo' likely kingdom done gonna come, an' we still be ovuh heeh dishin' up th' chip beef fo' thuh Lawrd'a Hosts." "Hmph," hmphs Joe, rereading Sally's letter for the twenty-first time...)


("What she probably calls dances..." Having a bad day, Jane?)

The fire that ravaged Luna Park last month wasn't the only reason attendance was down this summer at Coney Island. Writing in Variety, former Eagle scribe Jo Ransom, whose "Sodom By The Sea" is the definitive history of Brooklyn's seaside playground, attributes this year's downturn to manpower shortages, fuel shortages, and even shortages of confetti, all of which have combined -- along with that devastating fire -- to put a damper on Coney's amusement centers. Ransom further notes that many believe that there is simply no longer room at Coney Island for two parks on the scale of Luna and Steeplechase, and that being so, Luna might as well be shut down permanently and its land converted for business and residential use.


(After the war, someone is going to have a long talk with Mr. Lichty.)

In California, an autopsy is planned on the body of Sister Aimee Semple McPherson, who was found dying by her son in a Oakland hotel room, a half-empty bottle of sleeping tablets at her side. A fire department inhalator squad was summoned to the room, but McPherson died before they could use their equipment. At her Angelus Temple in Los Angeles, lights blazed into the early morning hours as Sister Aimee's followers prayed for her to be brought back to life. The evangelist's body will lie in state at the temple over Sunday, before burial at Forest Lawn Cemetery.

("Gonfalon" - obslete word for "pennant." Get with the times, Mr. Murphy. AND GO BROWNS!)

(Her parents hated Yankees? Dodger fans are everywhere!)


(There's something about this story that makes me think Mr. Tuthill finally cracked up while reading P. G. Wodehouse.)


(Oh, good, spy stations have call letters. THAT MAKES IT SO MUCH EASIER.)

("New kid, new identity -- if only I could get a better hat!")



Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


That's it for Sister Aimee? I realize it's a breaking story from the Coast, but jeez, you guys can do better than this.


Again with the capital letters. I thought the GOP got rid of that guy in 1940.


It's a good thing you don't live in New York.


Speaking of changing your shirt, you just got stabbed in the shoulder by a rusty lightning rod. Shouldn't you get that looked at? REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TO LAFFY!


Eleven years invested in this bunch of lunatics, AND FOR WHAT?


Never mind this, do another musical number. Good trio acts are hard to find.


"It's just that thousand-yard-stare that gets me!"


Joe's postwar career?


"Well, it's like this. Nine years ago I knew this guy named Judas, a real pirate, and we were working the China coast, but I double-crossed him with this big curly-haired Irishman who was bumming around with a couple of kids -- one of whom was Terry, godbless'im, just a little kid in short pants then -- and then when Judas called me on it I set his face on fire with an oil lamp." "Tell me more!" "Well, after that I traipsed around for a few years, got involved with this Nazi -- big mistake there -- and then about three years ago I ran into Judas again in Hong Kong, and.." "NO! I mean, tell me about the big curly-haired Irishman!"


This is why civilians shouldn't be allowed to play with hand grenades.
New York City
"Well, it's like this. Nine years ago I knew this guy named Judas, a real pirate, and we were working the China coast, but I double-crossed him with this big curly-haired Irishman who was bumming around with a couple of kids -- one of whom was Terry, godbless'im, just a little kid in short pants then -- and then when Judas called me on it I set his face on fire with an oil lamp." "Tell me more!" "Well, after that I traipsed around for a few years, got involved with this Nazi -- big mistake there -- and then about three years ago I ran into Judas again in Hong Kong, and.." "NO! I mean, tell me about the big curly-haired Irishman!"



Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Naaaah will ye LOOK at that," exhales Ma, slapping at the paper. "Fifteen toons'a sugar! Ye doon't s'pose tharr goonta sell it far distillin', do ye?" "Oi doon't care WHAT they do with it," groans Uncle Frank, gazing balefully at the eroded Tootsie Roll between his fingers. "Oi've had aaaaaaahl th' sugar Oi'm evarrr loikley t'care faaar." Ma allows herself a chuckle at his predicament. "Ye made yarr bed, Francis," she admonishes, "and noow ye moost lie in it." "Aaaahl this sugar in me," Uncle Frank laments, "Oi'll never wanna lie in bed again." Ma emits a followup chuckle and looks down the page. "See here," she notes. "G. I. Joe retarrns. What aboot that, Francis? Have ye given thought t'what we arr goin' to do when Joseph retarrns? Michael, well, he can goo right back t'his oold jaaahb, but what aboot Joseph? Y'know, Sally's aaahlways wanted to move back here t' Flatboosh, an' Oi've ahhlways managed t'tahhlk'arr oot of it. But what aboot Joseph? He's woise t'th' doin's here, ye know, even thoo he never said so oot loud. Boot do we WAANT 'em livin' roond here, 'specially with Leonora gett'n oldarr n' smartarr boi th' day? We need t'foind soomthin' far Joseph t'do that'll distract'm fr'm waaantin' t'moove here." Uncle Frank sucks contemplatively on his Tootsie Roll. "Let's not get ahead of aaarhselves. Thar's ploonty'a toime t' considar all this." "It's latarr," frowns Ma, "than ye think." "Oi could think bettar," sighs Uncle Frank, shifting the Tootsie Roll to the opposite side of his mouth, "with a cigar." "Hmph," hmphs Ma. "It's latarr than YOU think.")

Calling the platforms of both major parties "woefully inadequate" on the matter of the race problem, Wendell Willkie declared in a magazine article released today that the program of the Republican Party on that issue is "distinctly better" than that of the Democratic Party. Writing in the current issue of Collier's, the 1940 GOP Presidential nominee accused the Democrats of giving "lip service to the nation's 15,000,000 Negroes" with a brief paragraph "of generalities" in the party platform adopted at the Chicago convention. Willkie went on to charge that this is no accident, and accused the Democrats of yielding "to the worst side of their split representation," making "no effort to mobilize liberal Southerners and to give leadership to the increasingly large number of voters who would have come to the support of a decent racial plank." But Willkie also criticized the Republican racial plank for including only one item -- a pledge to establish a permanent Federal Fair Employment Practices Commission -- that could "meet realistically the need for action which the issues demand."


("Hmm," hmms Sally. "Maybe Sinatreh ain' so bad afteh'rawl." "I heeh Vallee's a Republican," snickers Alice. "Like fun," growls Sally. "Remembeh when'ee sung 'Brot'eh Can Ya Spaeh'ra Dime?' T'at ain' no Republican sawng." "Yeh," acknowledges Alice. "I bet Hooveh neveh t'rew 'is BVD's onna stage...)


(Poor Jack. He can't have cigars anymore either.)

The Eagle Editorialst endorses the rehiring of Leo Durocher as Dodger manager for 1945, declaring that it will "gladden the hearts of many Dodger fans who don't believe in deserting a fighter when the going gets tough." The EE anticipates that Branch Rickey's vote of confidence in Leo the Lip despite this year's poor record "promises another contender for next season."


(Well, that IS what they say.)

Brooklyn's major industrial plants will shut down for 24 hours when V-E Day is proclaimed, it was announced by the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce. A survey of 25 leading local manufacturing firm found that all were planning to declare a full-day holiday in order to allow war workers to celebrate victory in Europe on the day that the cessation of hostiltiies are announced. All workers will receive a full day's straight pay for that holiday -- but if V-E Day is proclaimed on a day already marked as a holiday, no additional day off will be given. There is also a question, to be considered by the War Labor Board, of what would happen if the announcement is made in the middle of a work day.


(Nertz to the Tigers! GO BROWNS!!!!)


(You know, someday Mary, you're going to stick your nose in just a little too far...)


("Widdars n' aaarphans!" declares Ma. "Well, who doos'ee think th' bookies ARRRRE?")


(Yep, nobody'll see you in those camouflage suits.)


("Second hand book store, huh? WONDER WHAT'S IN THE BACK ROOM!")


(Awww, you didn't have to HIT him.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Benny Goodman and Alice Hammond were married for thirty-six years, until her death in 1978. Just thought I'd mention that.


"Hmph." -- the Ghost of Flattop.


Everybody ought to have a hobby.


Speaking of Flattop...




Don't get ahead of yourselves, folks.


"Perhaps I should offer her some of my Benzedrine."


"Actually, I ordered it from Horn & Hardart. 'Less Work For Mother,' don'cha know!"


Poor Trisha. Oh well, back to Hollywood.


And speaking of Hollywood, ever consider a career as a stunt man?
New York City
"Yeh," acknowledges Alice. "I bet Hooveh neveh t'rew 'is BVD's onna stage...

She's relentless.


-- but if V-E Day is proclaimed on a day already marked as a holiday, no additional day off will be given.

Somebody doesn't understand the point of this effort.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Heh!" hehs Uncle Frank, as he strips the wrapper from a fresh Tootsie Roll. "They left oot th' paart aboot 'im moonchin' aaahn th' caaarpet!" "Never moind Hitlarr, Francis," snaps Ma. "Did'jee heer what Oi said? Tharr's anoothar crackdoon comin'! Look harr, they got Katz!" "Ye gaaaht noothin' t'do with Katz," dismisses Uncle Frank, striking a match on the seat of his pants and applying it to the tip of the Tootsie Roll before catching himself. "Oi keep tellin' ye, they aiin't coomin' nowhere near oos. Look heer, they gaaht Katz oop in Harlem. That's, Oi dunno, what? Twunny moiles fr'm heer. An' Doyle tells me thaar fishin' wharr they knoo they c'n catch th' moost fish, so's it'll look good in th' paparrs. Ye know how LaGuardia is, he's gaaahta doo soomthin' t'get 'is name in th' papaars, 'special since he caan't droive aroond in that caar oof his noo moor. Boot nobaaady cares aboot a little neighbaarhood oparration in Pigtoon." "East Flatboosh," scowls Ma. "Whatevaar," dismisses Uncle Frank, attempting a pull on his Tootsie Roll....)


("Y'know," comments Alice, "I awrways liked Zasu Pitts. Heh, she kinda remines me a' you." "I don' look nut'n like Zasu Pitts," frowns Sally. "And," she adds, scanning her seatmate up and down, "YOU don' look like no T'elma Todd!" "Heh," hehs Alice in acknowledgement of that truth. "Y'do kinda look like Patsy Kelly, t'ough, c'ept wit' glasses awn." "Y'know, she's fr'm Williamsboig," notes Sally. "Joe says 'eh real name's Bridget awr Veronica'r'awr sump'n. He neveh met'teh, but he useta hee'ra 'bout'eh. Ev'rybody said she had a big loud mout', awrways gett'n in trouble, awrways shakin' t'ings up. I hoid she gawt arrested a few times dancin' in speaks." "What'd she t'inka Vallee?" snickers Alice. Sally scowls, and without another word she gets up from her seat, crosses the aisle, and shoves aside a sleepy-looking man reading the World-Telegram. "Push in, bud," she growls, flopping into the seat as Alice shakes with amusement...)


("No, kid, that's not the way. You hold the tongue in and blow UNDER it. Gives you better projection. And only do it if they're no higher than a second lieutenant.")


(Only 912? Naturally, all the real fans were home by the radio, rooting for the Browns! GO BROWNS!!!)


("Ew, go away you creepy old man!")


(Oh, Commissioner Valentine, would you take a look at this, please...)


(You know, since Dan Dunn went away, the quality of underground lairs has really taken a tumble.)


("Fortunately, being of no legally constituted authority whatever, I have no need of a warrant!")




Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


He brought Miss Pitts as his date because Miss Crabtree turned him down cold.


Utah? I thought they already did this in Long Island CIty.


Flip would meet Dunkie and live up to his name.


Careful what you wish for...


Willie is either drinking a bottle of soda thru a badly kinked straw or smoking a hookah. Either of which is pretty much in character.


And as the boy careened in front of the oncoming trolley, Curley considered whether he really had it in him to become America's Number One Hero Sailor...


Define "inevitable.."


"Bend your knees and bow your head..."


"Hold on, I want to see what he looks like without the uniform first..."


"Such nonsense," sighs Mr. Ginsburg. "That way, sewing a button. Too much thread, you'll make a loose shank."
New York City
...since he caan't droive aroond in that caar oof his noo moor.

I miss the mayor mobile.


Uncle Frank, attempting a pull on his Tootsie Roll....


"Y'do kinda look like Patsy Kelly, t'ough

In my mind, Alice has always been a "blonde," um, slightly more full-figured version of Marie Prevost.


You know, since Dan Dunn went away, the quality of underground lairs has really taken a tumble.

Underground-Lairs-'r-Us, a wholly owned subsidiary of Basements 'r Us, notes that it did not build the lair used in "Jane Arden," as its work is of a much higher quality. It encourages future underground lair shoppers to consider its new line of well-made underground lairs with a price for every budget.


Interestingly, no one in "The Inquiring Fotographer" missed the coming of television. You would have expected one to have said, "nah, it will just be a passing fad."


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Joost wonn cup!" pleads Uncle Frank. "Joost wonn cuppa coffee, that's aaahl Oi ask!" "No," declares Ma, her voice a concrete wall. Th' doctarr said ye was not t'have coffee, an' ye shall not HAVE coffee, not's'laang's Oi got any say in it! B'soides, we don't have noo coffee. Don'chee know it's gonna goo back aahn th' ration soon?" "Look here, Nora," Uncle Frank pleads. "Straight froom th' OPA. Coffee will -- naaaht -- goo -- baaack aaahn th' ration!" "Drink ye Postum," commands Ma, without looking up. "It's disgoostin'," frowns Uncle Frank, gazing into the brown mystery occupying his coffee cup. "It tastes like soombaahdy boiled a pair'a ooold corduroy troosars!" "Ye say th' same thing aboot me coffee," snickers Ma. "Well," mumbles Uncle Frank, "Oi nevarr meant it. But this, Oi do!" "Ye milk toast is gett'n cold," observes Ma. "Oi'm an ooold man, Nora," laments Uncle Frank. "Caaan't Oi have a bitta joy in me loife?" "Aaaafter ye finish ye Postum an' ye milk toast," replies Ma, again without looking up. Uncle Frank blinks, clenches his eyes, and drains his cup...)

American 5th Army troops today edged forward today along their front south of Bologna, within 16 1/2 miles of advanced units, and repulsed the third strong enemy counterattack in two days against their positions on Monte Battiglia, 11 miles from the heart of the Po Valley. Warm fall sunshine dried battlefields drenched by rains over the past few days, and warmed American troops were making progress among the hills against resistance from reinforced German units.

The Copacabana agreed yesterday to replace its Manhattan nightclub license with a temporary six-month permit and to pay the city a total of $37,371.34 in business taxes, while leaving unresolved the question of whether purported slot-machine king Frank Costello is a part owner of the club. The payments are to be made in a series of installments, starting with a $10,000 payment yesterday, followed additional payments of $5000 per month until the debt is liquidated. Other provisions of the agreement include a pledge to dismiss from employment and not to reemploy certain specified persons known to have underworld ties.


("Aw," challenges Alice, "whatcha MEAN ya neveh played pool?" "I neveh been inna poolroom in my life," declares Sally. "You know t'kin'a bums hang aroun' poolrooms? One time Mickey wen' innat poolroom up Rogehs Aveneh t'eh, an' Ma foun' out, an' she wen' up t'eh an' dragged 'im out by 'is eeh, an'nen Uncle Frank give'im a real hawrd tawkin' to. He neveh wen' innat poolroom again." "Yeh," nods Alice, "he tol' me t'at one useta be up on Empieh Boulevawrd' had moeh action anyways." "DON' GO OFF T'COIB!" yells Sally across the sidewalk, as Leonora fishes in the gutter for a fresh shard of brick, and Willie absently bounces a sheared tennis ball against the side of the building. "Y'know," notes Alice, "speakin'a Empieh Boulevawrd, you know, t'ey got pool tables up t'eh'r at Fitz's bowlin' alley. Hey, I know, whyn'choo 'n me go up t'eh an' I'll show ya howta play." "Ehh," shrugs Sally. "I gotta go see Docteh Levine at two," "Heh," hehs Alice. "Bring'ehr'alawng!" Sally shrugs again and considers the possibility...)




(MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, REDHEAD. Like that ever worked.)


(Movie Bugs would find a way to go Pullman.)


(Don Ameche really DOES get around!)


(Well, I mean, you could argue that Mr. Taft needed two offices.)


(Pro Tip, Mr. Stamm -- before you decide to feature a horse in your strip, be sure you actually know how to draw a horse.)


("No, and for the last time, I did NOT put a button in the collection plate!")


("I had it done in memory of her!")

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