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And in the Daily News...
And in the Daily News..
We must be patient. Lizzie really is a godsend barkeep and all she does for this thread. and forum...![]()
Could not agree more. She knows it's all meant in good fun (at least I hope she knows). What she does for FL overall and for this thread is both generous and irreplaceable.
(Apologies for the delay. Joe had to check several trolley cars today to find a good copy of the News under a seat.)...
Catfight Chess-at the highest level.
Raven has opened WASP Waist Queen's pawn 2; Burma has two strategies to counter her adversary,
either advance her Queen's pawn forward deuce or shift focus to flank and advance Bishop pawn two squares;
initiating the Sicilian defense and avoiding Raven's inevitable Queen's Gambit in the centre board.
Should Burma retain center focus and advance her Queen's pawn forward deuce she should decline
Raven's Queen's Gambit and opt for the Slav Defense by advancing her Sovereign's pawn forward one square.
Obviously, Burma's blouse will be decolletage irrespective of centre or flank tactical maneuver.![]()
("Here," says Sally, handing Joe an eyebrow pencil. "Ya gonna hafta do it." "Hah?" hahs Joe. Sally rolls her eyes. "Do I look like I c'n toin aroun' an bend ova right now? I ask ya!" Joe sighs and obliges, starts to draw a line, squints, and rubs it out with his shirt sleeve. "T'is ain' easy! Whereza rula?" "Hey!" snaps Sally. "You sayin' my legs ain' straight?" "Well, it ain'nat," sputters Joe. "It's jus' t'at t'is floor ain't!")...
... View attachment 351102 (So at least we know this Tatum guy has a first name. But the really exciting pickup here is Johnny Allen, whose arm is almost as strong as his temper, and a guy who should fit right in with Leo in his willingness to do anything to win. Allen won't make the Hall of Fame, but his sweatshirt will.)...
Terry has an unbelievable ability to fumble the ball on the two-yard line. It's two girls, two guys, loneliness, isolation, liquor and opportunity - don't walk away kid as it's all but in the bag.
Burma has accepted Queen's Gambit and will play centre dance floor board against Raven.Catfight Chess-at the highest level.
Raven has opened WASP Waist Queen's pawn 2; Burma has two strategies to counter her adversary,
either advance her Queen's pawn forward deuce or shift focus to flank and advance Bishop pawn two squares;
initiating the Sicilian defense and avoiding Raven's inevitable Queen's Gambit in the centre board.
Should Burma retain center focus and advance her Queen's pawn forward deuce she should decline
Raven's Queen's Gambit and opt for the Slav Defense by advancing her Sovereign's pawn forward one square.
Obviously, Burma's blouse will be decolletage irrespective of centre or flank tactical maneuver.![]()
Raven's Bishop pawn advanced two squares, Burma moved Sovereign pawn one square, and while
the music played Raven advanced Knight, prone to attack Burma's Queen pawn.
A complete blouse decolletage.![]()
...The Tokio government is expected today to ban all exports of silk to the United States, the latest move in the economic war between Japan and the U. S.. That step is expected even as the U. S. Government has banned the use of silk in hosiery and other civilian goods in order to free up existing supplies for the manufacture of powder bags and parachutes for the Armed Forces. Military authorities have stated that supplies presently on hand in the U. S. are sufficient to last two years if all civilian use of the material is halted....
...A Queens watchmaker with a taste for money is in the prison ward at Bellevue Hospital today, as doctors try to figure out how to retrieve a $100 bill he swallowed as a barroom stunt. Anthony Haen of 92-69 Winchester Boulevard is well known to his friends for his habit of swallowing small change, but when a friend ostentatiously peeled a $100 note off his roll to settle his tab in a Manhattan bar last night, Mr. Haen reportedly snapped it up and gulped it down. Mr. Haen was to be examined with a fluoroscope today to determine the present whereabouts of the bill, but hospital authorities declined to elaborate....
...Film star Gary Cooper earns the highest salary of any American, with a total pay check of $482,821, according to figures for the tax year of 1939 released today by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau. Cooper out-earned the heads of the International Business Machines Corporation, the American Tobacco Company, General Motors, and Lever Bros. Inc, soap manufacturers, in order to take the crown. Actor James Cagney, at $368,333 placed sixth on the list. Skater-actress Sonja Heine is the top-earning woman on the list, at $249,166. Mr. Cooper won't hold his top spot on the list for very long, however -- the Securities and Exchange Commission reports that figures for 1940 will show Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production chief Louis B. Mayer moving into first place at $697,048....
...Actress Merle Oberon will head the bill in a Bundles For Britain gala to be held Tuesday evening on the Marine Roof of the Hotel Bossert. Miss Oberon, who was born of English parents in Tasmania, Australia, will make a personal appeal in support of the aid campaign, along with other celebrities to be announced. As a special feature of the program, Brooklyn residents whose names begin with "V" have been sent special invitations to attend.
("Hmph," hmphs Sally. "'At Voina Vickinson I wenna Erasmus wit' is pro'ly gonna be t'ere, wit'at p'roxide hair an'nat secon-han' chinchilla coat. Hah! I hope it's hot t'at night, she'll roast!" "Vinnie Valentinetti downa plant got one'a t'em invites," says Joe. "He says he ain' goin 'less Sheridan shows up.")...
...Honeychile, as they say, got around. She was a socialite without money, a nightclub celebrity without portfolio, Bob Hope's comedy partner, and an international playgirl whose companions ranged from Lucky Luciano to King Farouk to Prince Alexander of Poland to John Fitzgerald Kennedy. She was never an international spy. That we know of.....
Burma advances King's Knight to counter opponent Knight threat to Her Queen pawn.
Raven elects Queen's Bishop advance diagonal five.
Burma advances Rook's pawn one square to threaten White Bishop.
White Bishop is moved back by Raven but only a single square.
Sartorial discussion betwixt ladies requires no further comment.![]()