MissS said:I'm loving the hair do's ladies - keep em coming!
Well, here's my latest. I just had a snip - 6 inches off the length and more layers and it's curling beautifully. This is me today, day 3 of a pin curl set.
dollydaydream said:MissS; Don't worry, for every 'fab' look there are about 30 that are bad!!! That dress is so lovely!! I think we've had our summer now, it was snowing today so it was stinky jeans & shirt weather today. Luckily I didn't have to make an effort as I've not left the house yet lol
CassD said:fftopic: It snowed a bit up here as well, but I was foolish enough to go out in seamed stockings and a day dress. My legs about froze off! (I was wearing a lovely wool wrap, so at least my arms and torso were warm).
dollydaydream said:Also fftopic: , when I was back up North there were no classy ladies. Where were you hiding????!!!!! lol
Fleur De Guerre said:Lovely Smuterella! Wish I could do the faux fringe!
CassD said:MissS I just love your hair. You always look so beautiful and you have a fantastic smile!
Smuterella said:thanks to advice from the lovely Laura Chase I tried the "bewitching bangs" setting pattern and it worked a treat. pardon the face paint, I was unable to pull any kind of decent photo face at 8am on Friday!
missmelly said:Since I slept in foam rollers and woke up as Medusalol , I just started over and this is what I came up with...
.:Miss Melly:.
Laura Chase said:Ooooh, your fringe looks soooo good! I can't make mine look that neat and controlled. And what, you didn't even use pins?! Lots of hairspray, then? How short are your bangs?
Fifties*Freak, I want your hair! My hair has just been thinning awfully in the past 3 years, and I'd just kill for har as thick as yours! I had hair that thick when I was a teenager, but crossing that magic limit just really did something to my hair and my body. I gained weight and lost hair. lol